Google Documents rocks for keeping track of finds...
I just made a standard excel spreadsheet then uploaded it to Google Documents under my gmail account-- now I can get to it anywhere I go to-- all I need is a PC or Mac with a 'net connection.
Finds so far, if anyone is curious--
2 clad quarters
1 clad dime
5 Zinc pennies
4 Memorial copper pennies
1 wheat penny
Finds so far, if anyone is curious--
2 clad quarters
1 clad dime
5 Zinc pennies
4 Memorial copper pennies
1 wheat penny
"I'll split the atom! I am the fifth dimension! I am the eighth wonder of the world!" -Gef the talking mongoose.
I hadn't heard of Google Documents, but thanks! I might have to check that out!
I WILL check that out!
Thank you for sharing