Do over grading and over charging on shipping go hand in hand?
Posts: 547
Just an observation over the last couple of weeks on ebay. I have been searching for a few 73s to finish my set and a couple 72s as well. When I see nrmt in the title I look. Some are nrmt in the pic but others are way over graded. Well this is no news flash to anyone that some on ebay over grade and put nrmt in the title to attrack people. BUT>>>> I have also been noticing that the same people who do this are the same that charge $4.95, $6.60, or even $3.95 shipping for a single card. The sellers who legit have a nrmt card tended to be in the $2.50 or lower shipping on a single card. Just take a look and see if you notice the samething.
"I put my pants on just like you... One leg at a time. The differences is when I put them on, I make gold records."