Rolls of Half Dollars- WAlking Liberty Halves

Walking Liberties or BU Kennedy's available-
I have 30 rolls available- The walking liberty rolls are nice rolls and have dates- They are not culls. Not going through dates as we packed them up with all dates in them but pulled any key dates i.e. there are no 38D, 21's or 16's in these rolls.
Each roll is 155$ Shipped. The price if firm and you can purchase as many as you want.
Thank you
link to WLH's example
I have 30 rolls available- The walking liberty rolls are nice rolls and have dates- They are not culls. Not going through dates as we packed them up with all dates in them but pulled any key dates i.e. there are no 38D, 21's or 16's in these rolls.
Each roll is 155$ Shipped. The price if firm and you can purchase as many as you want.
Thank you
link to WLH's example
These are not holed, rim damaged, or no date culls... they are average circulated walkers