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(3) 2006 silver Anniversary sets

All sets are as received from the mint. I am original purchaser. They came in Brown cardboard box which I still have. There were other items I purchased in that box as well. I have everything that I purchased in that box as received from mint. I DID NOT OPEN ANY COIN CAPSULE OR SWITCH ANY COINS AROUND OR WITH ANY OTHER. I am new to this board and would never misrepresent anything. I wish I did not order the coins as I did. I should have bought (1) in one box and not opened. They sold on Ebay for a nice ROI. I also should have bought the gold sets. I did not understand what was in front of me. Please excuse my stupidity and ignorance.

I look to make new friend's, learn from all members and share what I know.

I keep nothing at home. Everything I own is at another high security location or bank vault.

Ships are safe in harbor but thats not what ships were built for.


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