new coin pics!

I am pleased to report that fellow former member Bob (Robec) has offered to take some pics for me. I sent him a wide array of coins, and I'm thrilled with the results thus far!
Here are some examples of his handiwork:

Here are some examples of his handiwork:

8 Reales Madness Collection
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
World Collection
British Collection
German States Collection
My OmniCoin Collection
My BankNoteBank Collection
Tom, formerly in Albuquerque, NM.
Killer coins and killer images
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
Here is one of my Double Florins that he sent me last night. It isn't my best example, but a decent coin overall with toning.
The first picture has the light source in a slightly different spot/angle, and makes the coin's fields "pop" with the toning. The second picture does the opposite, highlighting the devices.
.....and here I took my 1816 Shilling, and did a minor Photoshop thing. Spacemonkey has offered his really cool templates; this one is an example, but i haven't quite figured out the reflection trick, so i left it out (as well as sizing the coin properly to fit).