My web page

I'm just playing with a new web page for my collecting habit, so far I've just put a few of the British pieces on-line. If you get a chance let me know what you think of the way the slide show works. Any constructive criticism on improvements would be welcome.
My site
My site
As a relic hunter who sometimes searches on 18th century plantation sites, I developed an interest in ceramics and glass of the period. Of course we only find fragmentary remains, but they help us to date the sites we're on.
World Collection
British Collection
German States Collection
When you click on the thumbnails of US Comm. coins, they don't enlarge too much. Is that just me? The Brit coins enlarge quite well.
My OmniCoin Collection
My BankNoteBank Collection
Tom, formerly in Albuquerque, NM.
World Collection
British Collection
German States Collection
<< <i>Nice website, JCM
When you click on the thumbnails of US Comm. coins, they don't enlarge too much. Is that just me? The Brit coins enlarge quite well. >>
I agree. Very nice website ...the US C's don't yet enlarge, but again, very nice collection and site!!
However, I must say, I'm not a big fan of the Flash slide show. Although it looks kind of cool and works well for what it is, I abhor the use of Flash in any sort of website unless it is necessary (and it almost never is). I find that such implementations are usually clunky and reduce the simplicity of navigation for the site. Also, a bigger problem is that people without Flash cannot view it. For example, on my machine here, IE does not have a Flash plug-in installed, so I had to go open up Firefox (which I installed once just so I could install the Flash plug-in for it so I could view sites with Flash if necessary) to view your site properly.
Other than that, I think it's a really nice job. I enjoy looking through people's collections that they post online and reading about their interests and modus operandi when it comes to collecting. Thanks for sharing.
Edited to add: Just continuing to browse through your site, I noticed the pictures of the ceramics. I found it much more enjoyable to simply be able to scroll through the page to view them rather than using the slide show. Just my personal opinion.
Virtus Collection - Renaissance and Baroque Medals
World Collection
British Collection
German States Collection
If you opened the new image in a separate window (or even in the same window), you could also provide links there to go to the previous and next coins, similar to the arrows on the slide show, so that a viewer could still easily click through the collection without going back and clicking each thumbnail (the way the PCGS registry images work is similar to this, I believe). You could also then easily add some text about each image when the full version is displayed, if you wanted.
Doing this would lose the automatic function of the slide show, which could be useful if someone just wants to sit and view the images as they go by, maybe just stopping on ones of interest. You could probably put something in to automatically redirect to the page with the next image after a certain time, but it would take some effort.
These are my personal feelings about it. There are so many ways to design a webpage and with so many different targeted uses that there's never a single best way to do it, in my opinion.
Virtus Collection - Renaissance and Baroque Medals