going to Scotland... looking for coin dealers to visit.

I know this is a longshot question to post but...
I'll be traveling in early June and would like to contact a dealer or two in advance, to set up a visit. Does anyone have any recommendations?
I'll be traveling in early June and would like to contact a dealer or two in advance, to set up a visit. Does anyone have any recommendations?
When in doubt, don't.
Maybe that will help some
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003
International Coins
"A work in progress"
eBay registered name:
Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com
definitely the 'Edinburgh Coin Shop' as posted above.
I was there last year, it does not look much but he does know his stuff.
They buy and sell large quantities, though not all through the shop.
It will all depend what you are looking for, he had bakers trays full
of low grade British coppers. All kept in the back and brought through
for you to see in the very small front of shop.
Give him some time before your visit to sort out things that might be
of interest to you. Very good value.
As Teg said Edinburgh coin shop is good (small premises, but he does have a good stock, I think they do stamps too). There is also a good antiques & coin shop (can't remember the name) going down Rose Street in Edinburgh with a good selection of coins. I think its family run. I hear there is a good coin museum (attraction) called something like "the history of money" on the Royal Mile but I haven't visited it yet.
This will be my fifth or sixth trip to Scotland. I'm flying into and out of Edinburgh on this one, but I believe the agricultural group I'll be part of will be operating out of Sterling as a central location. My early arrival into Edinburgh has been planned exclusively to shop for some early Scottish coins.
I haven't managed to find any mention of an e-mail for the shop in Edinburgh, so I guess I'll give them a call early tomorrow morning here on the west coast and ask if they might be able to help me.
My mistake. I listed a shop as being on Rose street but the shop I was thinking of was correctly listed by Bjorn as being on C@ckburn street.
Good luck with your hunt.
All the best,
When on Rose Street, one crawls the pubs as I recall. It would be dangerous if they put a coin shop there...!
<< <i>Hi,
My mistake. I listed a shop as being on Rose street but the shop I was thinking of was correctly listed by Bjorn as being on C@ckburn street.
Good luck with your hunt.
All the best,
Hus >>
Did you mean, Cockburn Street? Sounds like I'll have to arrange more time in Edinburgh on my next visit.
Yup, but when I use o instead of @ like Bjorn I get: "You have a forbidden word in your message post. Please click the back button in your browser and remove this word from your post. The words that are forbidden are highlighted for you."
I guess the filter thinks its a swear word!