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OT: Ladies and Gentlemen, The Bronx is Burning!!!!

Now I'm a lurker at best on this board so forgive me if I missed discussions on this, but I was wondering if anyone had opinions on this show or book? I managed to catch most of the series a few weeks ago on ESPN Classic and I must say I was impressed. Flipping thru, I stopped on this, not knowing it existed, and right off I could tell "hey! that's Billy Martin! That must be Stein! That's gotta be Reggie! WTF is this?!?!" As a passive viewer, admirer of baseball, history buff and serial killer enthusiast (not in an appreciative way), I was quite entertained/fascinated by the portrayals and stories. I know its enhanced for dramatic purposes as is every piece of so-called non-fiction, but what did everyone think of this show? I thought Turturro was dead-on as Martin, Platt was over-the-top, yet appropriate as Stein, and Sunjata did a pretty decent Reggie..... Overall the series was a tad unbalanced with the stories. Everything that wasn't Yankee related, was kinda bland and oh-by-the-way. the final 2 episodes started with 15min of original footage with a tiny bit of drama, so those seemed a bit lazy and made the (tv) series seem drawn out. anyway, does anyone dig this little opus?



  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    I caught the first 3 or 4 episodes and then missed one so not wanting the ruin the continuity, I was hoping for a DVD release.

    I enjoyed it

    brought back a lot of old memories
  • RoarIn84RoarIn84 Posts: 859 ✭✭
    yeah, i picked up the dvd set for like $15 after i watched it. it's fun to go thru on a lazy weekend. love watching the original '77WS games too. had them on tape before, but it's fun to watch now that i know so much back story! especially love the ALCS game 5!!!! Brett going after Nettles!!! Classic!
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