Some Newps

Visited a local antique shop for the Egyptian 10 piastres and Bolivian 4 reales, while the rest came from a local dealer (for bullion prices). Scroll to the bottom two shots if you want to be upset
I really feel bad about the New Brunswick piece - it has really attractive toning (to my eyes at least) and would have been at least a good VF I think. Ah well, it just cost as scrap silver...

That 1870 half would have been a nice one without the hole as well... looks like a VF30-EF40 from here.
1/2 Cents
U.S. Revenue Stamps
A "heartbreaker"? Oooh, I wanna see that! (I collect holeys and live in Brunswick, Georgia- go figure).
Sadly, I cannot see the pics right now. They must be Photobucket. (This server @ my job blocks Photobucket).