Anyone Familiar with Washington Tokens?

My girlfriend just called me about a Coin she has dated 1783, She doen't have any knowledge of coin's. But her description of this coin is that it has George Washington head is facing left on right on the obverse and the head facing left on the reverse. I was able to determine that it has medallic rotation. She is going to try and get me a picture. She isn't sure if it is silver or struck in white metal. Just wondering if anyone has seen anything like it or can point me in the right direction to identify it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. BTW she did mention that he has a ponytail. And it doesn't have a denomination listed. Any idea's?
Thank's in advance, ozzysdad47
Thank's in advance, ozzysdad47
" I just checked in , Just to see what condition, My condition was in." Kenny Rogers and the 1st. Edition......
reputed to have been one of the most extensive, so maybe browsing
there will provide a few clues?
Best of luck!
Proud (but humbled) "You Suck" Designee, February 2010.
Three thing's nobody like's, Hot Beer, Wet Toilet paper and a Smart......Well, i'm sure you catch my drift......... I know that some of the litesider's are darksider's as well, But you guy's know who you are and i must say, You are amongst the finest.
There's a small picture of it in this collage (between the US Trade dollar and the Spanish Colonial 4-reales piece.)
Note that it's undated, though- there is just an ornament below the bust. But I believe Redbook says it is circa 1783, which must be when a lot of the early ones were struck.
There are a LOT of much later medals of him struck, though, including some other "two headed" ones. Some are white metal, some are bronze, some gold, etc. It could be just about anything, from that description. There are a lot of fantasies and privately struck pieces (several of which might bear a spurious "1783" date), so it's hard to say without seeing a picture.
I can think of one fairly common twentieth century medal, roughly quarter-sized, usually found holed at 12:00 (as intended, apparently), that was made around the 1950s, I believe. I can't remember if those were dated or not (I think not), or if they were even struck in white metal (I think so).
Thank you for your help, ozzysdad47/ Brad....
Edited for spelling.......