Does this LeBron have the centering for a 10?
Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
Is this to OC t/b ?
I am sending this one for sure.
I am sending this one for sure.
I'm asking because something is playing tricks with my eyes.
If you look at the top card (OC) and ignore the upper half
of the card and just look at the bottom (about 1 inch worth); you'll
notice that all 3 borders(L/R/B) are the same size. Do the same for
the well centered card on the bottom and it's the same.
Is it me? Lay both cards on top of one another. Is one shorter?
If not, then yes the top card is OC, but I think it's 60/40 for a straight 9.
Edited: I just measured both bottom borders and they're the same.