Nurnberg Transportation Tokens of 1921

Does anyone have any knowledge about Nurnburg Transportation Tokens of 1921? About 20 plus years ago, I brought from an oldtime collector a set of 45 tokens and a presentation case. They also came with a booklet written in 1965 by Arthur Hyman that describes all 45 tokens. They commemorate different persons and places in German history. The tokens are struck on about 'quarter size' octagonal aluminum planchets with a semi-prooflike surface and have a value of "20 Pfennig. All are uncirculated. I saw one token on ebay several months ago but I missed the final bidding so never learned its value. I wonder how many of these set survived the war. Thank you for your help in advance.
linky dinky
Maybe you can ask the seller a question if he has any idea how much a complete set would be worth.
I still think they are