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Cuba Proof Just in, I may have a new calling!

Just got this in today, I don't post much over here, but that may be changing soon image I just love this coin in hand. Feel free to post anything from Cuba or any other darkside proof that you really like... Rob

imageQuid pro quo. Yes or no?


  • AuldFartteAuldFartte Posts: 4,597 ✭✭✭✭
    That's a real beauty image I love that ship!!!

    My OmniCoin Collection
    My BankNoteBank Collection
    Tom, formerly in Albuquerque, NM.
  • oldshepoldshep Posts: 3,240
    WOWZERS! I love that ship - I have seen it before on ebay but never won it. What a beauty!

    Edited to add: Great photo, yours or from seller???? ...opps - I just looked again and saw the "Photo by Rob Geer, great photo!!
  • rgCoinGuyrgCoinGuy Posts: 7,478
    Thank you guys. I learned everything on the CU forum really just in the last 6 months that I know about taking pictures. My setup is pretty basic, a 30 dollar copy stand, 2 clamp lights and one desk light with reveal bulbs, and a used Nikon 995 I got off ebay for about 200 dollars. For proofs, I use a cut up milk gallon jug to diffuse the lighting usually. This link HERE has a pictorial of my setup on the second page of the thread.

    The templates I use are a slight variation from spacemonkeys, which can be found
    HERE . I could never get them to look exactly like everyone else for some reason, so I just changed the reverse on the bottom to "hard light" instead of "overlay" to get the effect I use.

    Feel free to PM me if you get stuck on something. I use photoshop elements 6.0, and have only had it since Christmas, so I am not by any means an expert in that. Here is another Cuban coin I got last week....


    and a few types I just picked up also, still have a long way to go on these....



    imageQuid pro quo. Yes or no?
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