Question About New FeeBay Feedback System

When the new Feedback system goes into effect does everybody's Feedback get reset to 0 or do we get to keep our current Feedback?
"The answer was in the Patriots eyes. Gone were the swagger and c0ck sure smirks, replaced by downcast eyes and heads in hands. For his poise and leadership Eli Manning was named the game's MVP. The 2007 Giants were never perfect nor meant to be. They were fighters, they could be called something else, World Champions."
Obama did NOT swear on the Koran he swore on the Bible. Keith Ellison a Minnesota congressman swore on the Koran, as his is right. Or do you not respect a persons freedom of religion? Why would a Muslim swear on a bible? It's not his icon. Would you make a christian swear an oath on a Koran? Seriously, here is 5 cents, buy yourself a clue.
What an ignorant statement your making regarding his allegiance and patriotism. Are you that easily fooled by internet urban legends and spoof emails?
The Pledge of Allegiance lie your spouting stems from September 16, 2007, at Senator Tom Harkin's annual steak fry festivities in Iowa, an important ritual for Democratic presidential hopefuls. Contrary to the e-mails attacking Obama for disrespecting the flag, the candidates were not reciting the pledge of allegiance. They were standing for the national anthem.
Asked whether Obama normally puts his hand over his heart while listening to the national anthem, Obama spokesman Bill Burton replied by e-mail: "Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't. In no way was he making any sort of statement, and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous."
To demonstrate the senator's "true patriotism," Burton e-mailed two photographs of Obama with his hand firmly over his heart. One photograph is at the top of this post; the other is below. I cant wait for the hate mongers and the bigots to come out in force when it's the general election.
Thanks for seeing the light and changing your sigline sunshine
At least this one has some merit.
Most of the issues he claims to have voted against he actually did note vote on or voted Present so he could turn to the side public opinion favored.
From his own mouth he stated he has not held a meeting of his Afghanistan Oversite Committee since taking the chair in Jan 2007 because he was too busy running for President.
Yet he still maintains he wants to take care of our Veterans. If he is too busy for that what is going to happen when something really needs his attention.
As far as him not saluting the flag in that pic. Yes it may have been the National Anthem, BUT MOST Americans either have their hand on their heart or hands behind their back while the athem is being played and looking at a flag. All the others seem to be looking at the same thing so I would assume there is a flage there. Where is he looking? Why does he look like he is just going through the motions?
Have a happy election season!
ebay i.d. clydecoolidge - Lots of vintage stars and HOFers, raw, condition fully disclosed.
<< <i>And this is why my sig is the best... >>
Best sig in the world!!!!
I'm outta here, I'll leave the politics to the "experts."
ebay i.d. clydecoolidge - Lots of vintage stars and HOFers, raw, condition fully disclosed.
<< <i>Leiascards man I hope I have never bought a card from you. >>
The feeling is mutual..
<< <i>there is exactly 0.5% chance in hell i will vote for Obama in November >>
I think my pick will be "none of the above".............
I am not very thrilled with any of the canidates this time around...
My eBay Store
BigCrumbs! I made over $250 last year!
<< <i>i wrote myself in once, i didnt win,i was shocked
Dam! I wanna vote for RUBe!!
Obama spokesman Bill Burton replied by e-mail: "Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't. In no way was he making any sort of statement, and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous."
So how does Obama decide when to or when not to? Guess depends how fired up Jeremiah wright was that Sunday in the pulpit. Never been a time where I consciously decided NOT to place my hand on my heart
He came out for "change" but is a typical DEMOCRAT. No change there fun boys, he is two face as they come, and voted PRESENT at what 242 votes??? Another CLOG in our system
Dont be a BOOB vote for RUBE
Thats the scary part