No longer available..thanks

I bought a bag of junk silver this past weekend at the fleamarket by weight. Mostly well worn 20th Century halves, quarters and dimes.
Today as I was packing the silver away... I found the two jewels below....and just didn't want to pack them away in tubes, as I figure someone that likes these series would rather have them...although they are in ratty condition. Please excuse the photos....this was the best I could do for these little fellows.
The 1843 Seated Dime looks to have some surface problems on the obverse.
The 1831 Half Dime is in sad shape. A dark surface corrosion is on both obverse and reverse...and someone has scratched the 5 C. area on the reverse.
I hope I don't offend anyone....but would like to offer these for trade for some pre-64 Junk 90% Silver halves, quarters, dimes or 40% Silver Halves. I don't expect much...just something fair. You set the offer. Please send me your offer by PM......Anyone?

edited for spelling
I bought a bag of junk silver this past weekend at the fleamarket by weight. Mostly well worn 20th Century halves, quarters and dimes.
Today as I was packing the silver away... I found the two jewels below....and just didn't want to pack them away in tubes, as I figure someone that likes these series would rather have them...although they are in ratty condition. Please excuse the photos....this was the best I could do for these little fellows.
The 1843 Seated Dime looks to have some surface problems on the obverse.
The 1831 Half Dime is in sad shape. A dark surface corrosion is on both obverse and reverse...and someone has scratched the 5 C. area on the reverse.
I hope I don't offend anyone....but would like to offer these for trade for some pre-64 Junk 90% Silver halves, quarters, dimes or 40% Silver Halves. I don't expect much...just something fair. You set the offer. Please send me your offer by PM......Anyone?

edited for spelling
Hate to just pack these away in my junk silver tubes?