First attempt at Ancient Coin Photography

Picked up some old coins from the local B&M today and thought I would share them with you. I'll post more as I get them immaged.
Ok here are the first photos of an ancient that I have taken.
For the record I thought color was tough to mach on modern coins.......Holy cow is it a billion times harder on this type of coin.
It may take me a while to get the hang of it.

Ok here are the first photos of an ancient that I have taken.
For the record I thought color was tough to mach on modern coins.......Holy cow is it a billion times harder on this type of coin.
It may take me a while to get the hang of it.

Tried so far with
Canon A560
Coolpix something or other
newest try Nikon D40
Still look like crap...
Try try again, someone famous said that I think.
Lordmarcovan, WTCG, YogiBerraFan, Phoenin21, LindeDad, Coll3ctor, blue594, robkoll, Mike Dixon, BloodMan, Flakthat and others.
was the second daughter of Julia Maesa, a powerful Roman woman of Syrian Arab origin and Syrian noble Julius Avitus. She was a niece of empress Julia Domna and emperor Septimius Severus and sister of Julia Soaemias. She was born and raised in Emesa.
was a Roman general, and Roman Emperor from April 14, 193 AD to 211 AD. He was born in what is now the Libyan part of Rome's historic Africa Province, making him the first emperor to be born in Africa.
My OmniCoin Collection
My BankNoteBank Collection
Tom, formerly in Albuquerque, NM.