Home Metal Detecting

Questions/Suggestions for Monthly Awards (edited for contect and spelling)

First off let me be the one that says , "THANK YOU", to goldrush00013, Bentfork and LordM for taking the time to do the Monthly awards. I know it is a LOT of work and is time consuming at some points. With that being said I would like to see the requirments on the awards stiffened a bit to make things somewhat easier on them and on those of us that participate in the awards. I would like to make these suggestions so that we can try and make things better. I hope I'm not being out of line and I DO NOT want to offend anyone. Please take this as merely a suggestion and nothing more. If you guys like it, great, if not then I will be no worse the wear for having posted! Plus, someone else out there may have a better idea! Here is what I was thinking. I think that the wildcard category needs an overhauling as far as criteria. If we go by the current standard, in which people can submit items into that category, then anything we come across in our daily lives can be submitted. I'm not "knocking" anyone on this I just think the category needs to be refined. Here is what I mean.... The wildcard category should be for items not found using your detector, BUT are found while out treasure hunting (metal detecting - after all this is a metal detecting forum). Just because you come across a 5 dollar bill in the hallway at work doesn't mean you should get to enter that into the monthly awards (I certainly hope no one has ever entered a 5 dollar bill from work and if so, I am sorry I used this example but I was trying to be non specific). I think that allowing ANYTHING you find during your daily life kinda takes away from the idea of it. I know I wasn't around when it was created and it may have been created for antyhing you find so as I said before, this is only a suggestion. Now, I do like the picture idea that LordM has suggested (Pictures having their own category but they need to be pics taken while detecting)because if we are allowing anything we find into the category, then my Turkey's would fit! It becomes confusing and I think dilutes the wildcard award. Pictures taken while out detecting are as good as any find! Zot and LordM come to the forums with some of the best pics I have ever seen. I think those that take the time to place us at there hunt with pictures should be rewarded for doing so. I also think that this would boost people's creativity and make them enjoy their hunts more! Now lastly, I think that if you submit an item for an award you HAVE to put a picture of the item you found on the forum. I'm not saying anyone here is a cheat but in order to weed out the unscrupulous sometimes you have to take extra steps (this would apply to all categories, Coin, Relic, Wildcard, Jewelry, Quantity, and of course Picture). These awards are great and I love competing for them but we do need to take steps to ensure that we don't have an overkill effect on them. Let's work to keep them special and keep the great finds coming in. You have two sides at work here, the side that says, "If it ain't broke don't fix it", and the non-complacency side. If you sit on what you have without improving it, then bad things are surely to come. Just a few thoughts for the day and again I want to stress two things: 1. Thanks to goldrush00013, Bentofrk and LordM for their hardwork & 2. NO ONE BE OFFENDED, I don't mean this post to turn into a flame war. Thanks guys and be safe detecting!


  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You're right... pictures of finds should be required. We didn't, at first, but everybody knows a find isn't competitive without one.

    As to overhauling the Wildcard find, I wouldn't have thought it necessary, but you do have a point... where does one draw the line? And does a photograph count as a "find"?

    I sure love seeing nice pictures- not enough folks post sceneshots- we just see the finds themselves, with little context of where or how they were found.

    Should the photos be included in Wildcard? Maybe they should. The Wildcard category was for "anything goes", after all.

    Or do they deserve their own category?

    Tell you what, Todd... why don't I include an option on the poll to read something like "Photos should be part of the Wildcard category".

    BTW, thanks for the pics. And for makin' me think.

    The forum awards have been fun for nearly four years, now. Not a fiercely competitive thing, and basically for only braggin' rights and a little sigline plaque as a prize, but they definitely awakened our sleepy little forum and kept it alive. We used to periodically do "friendly competitions" and "weekend challenges" and stuff before the monthly awards.

    You oldtimers remember how it used to be in here! If you're not an oldtimer, go and have a look at something like the Autographs Forum or the Rare Records Forum if you wanna see what this place used to be like... Sleepytown! There used to be tumbleweeds in here.

    John (goldrush) and I sort of took it upon ourselves to be pollsters and cheerleaders and ambassadors for this forum. There is a lot of interest out there in detecting, since it naturally complements the true core interest of these forums (coins). But we couldn't have done it without the help of fine folks like Gary (Bentfork) and Jerry (CROCKofCOINS) and Tim (phut) and Zot and Millennium and many of the others who post great finds and participated in the Virtual Treasure Hunts and so on. (You know who you are, and just because I didn't mention you all by name doesn't mean I don't appreciate your contributions to the forum!)

    Back to the topic at hand... I think a separate photo category in the awards would be a lot of fun. And a chance for some of us who strike out to at least have a chance at something- like I said, many's the time when my finds stank, but I got a good picture or two!

    It would be more work on the pollster, though. And since Gary and John do more of the polling than I do, these days, they should be consulted.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    LordM, I think that pictures category is a WONDERFUL idea. I like it better than including it in the wildcard finds.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Let's see what everybody thinks. I think the idea has some merit, too.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • DockwalliperDockwalliper Posts: 1,169 ✭✭✭
    I kinda like that the wildcard is sort of anything goes. One mans trash is another mans treasure. As long as the submissions don't get crazy I think a silver coin found in change or a gold earing found in a snowbank by accident are fine(or an old nickel that falls from a piano). If the find dosen't desirve to win it won't get the votes.If we start to get 20+ submissions then we should limit the entries. Until then I think its fine as it is.
    The photo catagory sounds fun.
  • While I'm all for a photo entry, I vote to keep the Wildcard catagory as is. I love reading about the differant things that people come across! I myself just found TWO $100.00 star notes that I was thinking might be worthy of a Wildcard submission. That's assuming I can get motiviated enough to get out the digital, take the picture, figure out the photobucket thingie, blahblahblah image

    Be Still and Know
  • I have to agree with Dockwalliper......if an item is submitted, it'll win votes on its merits....no need to censor, Just my 2 cents...
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    I'm going to have to disagree on this one. This is a metal detecting forum so I think the awards should have something to do with metal detecting / treasure hunting. Simply finding a dollar in your car seat doesn't cut it for me. Ok let's say that you find a $100 bill in the seat of a cab. Great find, is it worthy of a forum award??? Being that it was a $100 dollar bill then it would probably win, I'm basing this on the fact that most people don't find $100 bills in cars. I agree that it is a wonderful find but it has nothing to do with the hobby.... Maybe I'm being nit picky on this but hey, I have nothing better to do other than burp my kid...... image I'm just the kind of person that likes things cut and dry, I guess the Wildcard category isn't suppossed to be!! Let the masses speak and that is how it shall be!
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I too think Wildcard is fine the way it is.

    The wackiest thing I ever saw entered was a ball of marijuana- remember that? That was a bit out there. Purple73 or somebody like that found it in a medicine bottle on the beach.

    The photo category, if we have one, should maybe be limited to three photos per member per month, or otherwise we might get buried in photos?

    Other than that, I see no need to restrict anything. Todd suggested that people who do not have pictures of their entries should be disqualified, and that's a thought (since they need at least a picture to prove the find), but on the other hand, I don't see that as a problem because most of the time they've disqualified themselves by not having a picture. I have never seen an entry without a picture win. (And for the photo contest, obviously you have to have one!)

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    There have been a few that didn't have pics. I think the pics should be a different category though. Leave the wildcard the way it is. Funny thing you said marijuana. When I worked as a Narcotics Officer I could have posted some wild pics for you guys! Hah, those were the days.
  • pocketpiececommemspocketpiececommems Posts: 5,976 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Seems that we are going to try to complicate things. Yes this is a metal detecting forum. As a detectorist you are probably going to keep an eye on your surrounding more than most people weither you have your detector or not. I think that we need to leave the Wildcard as is. Like it has been said previously your find will be voted on it's merits. I don't have a digital camera. I don't enter many things that I find because of that reason. It doesn't stop me from saying that I found it however and in all likelyhood I wouldn't take it with me on a hunt. If we are going to say that a person is cheating on this forum then the next thing will be that you have to have someone with you to verify what you found. Sounds like big brother to me. This is supose to be a fun and helpful forum doen't mess it up.
  • I agree pocketpiece.....I'm pretty sure that all of us are honest and upfront, In our case LM and mine, we know each other pretty well and I know that if LM says he found something then pic or no pic I believe him....I would hope that's the way he feels about me....I always try to post a pic and I know that most of the users here do, but not everyone has a camera.... The way it has gone hes worked very well...I see no reason to limit it or put restrictions on it. I do believe that if there is a question about a pic or a find, the voting takes care of it...Most of us are pretty savy as to what's going on. I rarely take a camera with me....I just hate carrying the thing around..I'd rather put that effort into detecting...
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    Never take honesty for granted. Just look at the leaders of our nation!

  • << <i> Never take honesty for granted. Just look at the leaders of our nation! >>

    Oh well..for the most part they are too...I wish I could get on the grounds up there to do some MD'ing though...image
  • Never take honesty for granted. Just look at the leaders of our nation!

    I, for one, do take honesty for granted. I have no reason to believe that anyone on this board would try to cheat their way through anything. This board has been working well for as long as I've been associated with it, which isn't all that long, but long enough for me to have complete trust and respect for my fellow posters.

    Be Still and Know
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    I have some ocean front porperty in Arizona to sell you image

  • << <i> I have some ocean front porperty in Arizona to sell you >>

    Are you worried that some one here is going to cheat on a meaningless little game? For no monetary value?...You have some thing you want to tell???
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    Are you suggesting that I have cheated or that I think others have? I have not and if you look at the quantity post for this month I put a note in there that I had not kept count and therefore was not posting any numbers (That post was dated before this thread even started). If you are suggesting that I think others have cheated you are wrong. I don't think anyone has, that I know of, but I'm sure that eventually someone will. It's a thing I call Human Nature. I just find it humurous that you guys all assume the best of people. There are few people in this world that I trust, most of them work with me and have had my back in some rough times. Much like a band of brothers. I've seen pastors go to jail for touching kids, I've seen bankers go to jail for stealing money, I've seen judges be arrested for DWI's, I've had a close friend that was a cop go to FEDERAL prison for selling dope out of his patrol car. Trust is something that you must earn from people. I don't expect people to trust me and I hope they don't expect me to trust them. Much like respect, it is earned.
  • >>The wackiest thing I ever saw entered was a ball of marijuana- remember that? That was a bit out there. Purple73 or somebody like that found it in a medicine bottle on the beach.<<

    LOL...That was my find image


  • << <i> Are you suggesting that I have cheated or that I think others have? >>

    Settle down killer...it's just a metal detecting forum.. And that was tongue in cheek...Nobody , until you, has even suggested what you have suggested...Most of us understand this is all for fun...if a person wants to cheat just to get a little plaque for his signature, he's got more problems than any of us here want to address...I myself, have won awards, but I don't use them...Most of us here, are here for one reason only, to enjoy the hobby with like minded people...Frankly, I and I probably speak for others, don't think the kind of person that would cheat here would stay very long anyway...

    Now to clear someting up..I don't think, nor have I thought you would cheat...I trust you just like I trust all the rest on this forum, no questions asked..

  • davbecdavbec Posts: 321 ✭✭
    Winter sure is getting long!!!!!!
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    Well to change the topic into a different direction, I saw your Fotki site. I have never heard of Fotki but I like the hosting. I signed up (so I don't have to keep using y myspace photo space)... This way I can post pics of my finds in the Quality categories image
  • Fotki is a great site..but let me warn you...unless you are a paying person, the links you post, like the ones I post here, will be invalid the next day..They change the address occasionally, and the links go bad..If you use it just and send people to the actual Fotki site, then your safe..

    I love the site...and recommend it to everyone.
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    HRmm well that may be a problem then.... I guess I could keep using Myspace for my pics posting on the forums and the Fotki site to mark all my finds...Once I have my outdoorjunkies.org site all the way up I'll use it for hosting. God I'm lazy.....
    On a different note, where are you finding all of the buckles at?? I think I would crap my pants if I found an old Civil War Buckle.

  • Todd, Try: Photobucket.com

    The free account works fine!


  • << <i> On a different note, where are you finding all of the buckles at?? I think I would crap my pants if I found an old Civil War Buckle. >>

    Every find I have on my pages was found in Brunswick...Where Lord Marcovan and I live...The only two coins not found in Brunswick were 2 of the large cents, they were found in an adjacent county.
  • It's great to see that everyone is getting along again image

    I had a few comments about the monthly awards, but for sake of starting another "discussion", I'll leave it alone!!!!!image

    I'm just kidding---I have nothing to add other than--I think the awards are fine just the way they are and I really like the photo award. I, like a few others, don't bother with carrying the camera with me when I go detecting. On a few occasions, I may have it in the vehicle and if I find something really nice or a nice scenic shot, I may take a pic or two.


  • << <i>I kinda like that the wildcard is sort of anything goes. One mans trash is another mans treasure. >>

    Very true.
    I like to look for native american artifacts and have posted and won the wildcard catagory with them. I never look at them as treasure.
    They are a portal to the past for me. It is always a rush to hold something that hasn't been touched for several thousands of years.
    Many people look at them as just rocks, so should they be eliminated since they are not looked upon as treasure?

    Analog Rules! Knobs and Switches are cool!
  • Can I enter this thread in the wildcard contest ?

    Its a treasure !! image

    I like things the way they are ! and I voted for the photo contest ,, photography is another of my hobbies .
    Touch Not The Cat Bot A Glove !!


    Always Looking for Raw Proof Lincoln Cents !!
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