How long does it take to grade 8 coins?

Mine have been there since January 5th and so far I haven't heard a thing from PCGS, they do show Ok on their site. That's 33 business days alone, not counting weekends.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Actually I submitted under "World other" because I used the vouchers I was given at the time I signed up at the coin show here in Santa Clara and that was the form I received from the lady which by the way crossed the box herself. I guess it automatically means the slowest/cheapest possible way of service
1/2 Cents
U.S. Revenue Stamps
Jan 17 and counting for world economy submission .....
days where the graders are at major shows
they can grade the coins in 10 seconds
all the other stuff and scheduling takes the time
History of the US Constitution Coin Set
Pre-FUN January 6 - 13, 2008 Orlando
Comments: Submissions Only
FUN January 10 - 13, 2008 Orlando
Comments: On-site grading.
New York International January 11 - 14, 2008 New York
Comments: Submissions Only
Long Beach Expo February 14 - 16,2008 Long Beach
Comments: On-site grading.
Busy time of year...
<< <i>Hi Roman!
Actually I submitted under "World other" because I used the vouchers I was given at the time I signed up at the coin show here in Santa Clara and that was the form I received from the lady which by the way crossed the box herself. I guess it automatically means the slowest/cheapest possible way of service
Their stated turnaround time is 21 days when using the vouchers you get for signing up. It won't be long until your turnaround time is DOUBLE what the stated turnaround is, which is unaccepatable in my opinion.
1) World economy, 17 coins, received by PCGS on December the 18th, coins delivered graded and TrueViewed in NYINC on January the 13th.
2) World regular, 3 coins, received by PCGS on December the 18th, coins delivered graded and TrueViewed in NYINC on January the 13th.
3) World regular, 20 coins, received by PCGS on December the 18th, coins delivered graded and TrueViewed in Berlin Money Fair on February the 1rst.
Overall, impressively quick turnaround, submitted a week before Christmas and incl. return hand in hand delivery, with the third submission delivered overseas after successfully dealing with the German Customs.
Just my 2 kopeiki
8 Reales Madness Collection
<< <i>That's pretty impressive, Dimitri. You results, however, show me something troubling in their grading process, which is lack of consistency. It sounds like either the graders have a choice which order to process, or there is a disconnect in how the orders are prioritized once received.
Just my 2 kopeiki
I didn't post this to brag, but to express my gratitude to Ron Guth who took care of them personally on both occasions and if you want, prove that there is indeed a lack of consistency: they're not always late.
Hint: TrueView often speeds up the process.
Otherwise, I must admit that the impressive result was also partly due to my repeat emails and phonecalls.
This quarter's special marks the first time world coins were included.
My issue is that it's hard for me to be an advocate of PCGS when the second question is normally asked has to do with turn-around times (the first one is normally the grading standard, which I still believe is the most consistent between all of the top-tier TPGs).
8 Reales Madness Collection
8 coins should take an average of 4 minutes including removing/reinserting the coins into their flips, grading, and logging the results into the grader takes 4 minutes, and the finalizer about another 2 minutes....figure 10 minutes total for everyone involved in the grading process.
Receiving, logging the submission, slabbing, packing, & shipping take another 4-8 weeks, give or take.
<< <i>No one has actually answered your question.
8 coins should take an average of 4 minutes including removing/reinserting the coins into their flips, grading, and logging the results into the grader takes 4 minutes, and the finalizer about another 2 minutes....figure 10 minutes total for everyone involved in the grading process.
Receiving, logging the submission, slabbing, packing, & shipping take another 4-8 weeks, give or take.
You're absolutely right
And Dimitri, I did request trueview.
Something is very wrong with this kind of service, it's unacceptable and unprofessional!
justanothercoinaddict - I understand why the turn-arounds are longer than usual. In times like these, it would be nice to have those estimates updated with something more realistic. Perhaps have a "rolling" average based on the last coin certified at the end of the day? What happens now is that after 35 days, people start calling asking how much longer until the grades are posted. There are no intermediate check-points for the orders, so the answer from their representatives is always the same - we don't know where exactly your coins are in line, World coins normally run longer, etc. That can cause frustration, especially for new members, not familiar with the process. A rolling estimate based on the last coin certified at the end of the day would at least give the submitters a peace of mind (even if that estimate is sitting at 30 days for a Regular service).
8 Reales Madness Collection
Jan 17 and still counting .....
I packed this eight coins on New Year's eve and sent them out on the first day of regular USPS service (January 2nd), they showed in their site on Jan 5th. So far it has been 57 days since the last time I saw them. 39 business days and counting...
As long as the US$ continues its freefall, it will take longer tomorrow than today.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
<< <i>
And Dimitri, I did request trueview.
Something is very wrong with this kind of service, it's unacceptable and unprofessional! >>
I recently asked why the TrueView service disappeared from the 2007 and 2008 forms ,and the reply I got was that too many TrueView requests were jamming the system even more. I'm talking about submissions of multiple identical modern US bullion coins, that wanted a Trueview photo with each coin as well, which is unreasonable when a stock photo, the Mint's own, can easily serve as an alternative.Anyway, I'm wishing you all a quick grading process of your coins and in particular to ajaan who's submitted a few on my behalf.
Complete US-PHIL Coins for Sale, Circulation Strikes 1903-1945
Jan 17 and still counting .....
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Submitted Jan 17 ..... Called PC today just to say Hi. They said "any day now".
Guess I'll stop checking daily status for a while
8 Reales Madness Collection
PCGS received my 7 coins on the same day, and, I am still waiting for the submission to be processed.
Shared Order
Wouldn't mind making an offer on that 1796 AU53
Too bad about all the BB's, though
8 Reales Madness Collection
8 Reales Madness Collection
They really do have a big problem with World coin submission turn around time.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Edit: Ahhh, who am I kidding? I'm hopelessly hooked on their plastic
8 Reales Madness Collection
Ron Guth will hopefully correct me if I'm wrong...
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
<< <i>Jan 09, and counting, for world economy submission! >>
You have been wainting since next year?!!
Just kidding!!!
<< <i>I won't pretend to know how PCGS does things, but I suspect that some invoices are delayed because it's necessary to show certain coins to outside consultants. If I'm right, it would be smart to submit the "easy" coins on one invoice and more "difficult" coins on another. >>
My Jan 13 submission is relatively easy NZ predecimal. 2 1/2 months and counting. This will probably be my first and last year as a CU member.
<< <i>I won't pretend to know how PCGS does things, but I suspect that some invoices are delayed because it's necessary to show certain coins to outside consultants. >>
There you go again, Andy, being rational and logical....
I'm still shocked about the lack of information of PCGS phone operators. If the coin is sent to consultants - shouldn't this bit of information be available to the customer support person that's talking to a collector who hasn't seen his coins in over 2 Months?
8 Reales Madness Collection