night hunt.......

mad max called me at 9:15pm and said lets do it....10 mins later i was in his drive honking the horn...c'mon lets go...we headed to my favorite local beach and started the hunt....slim pickins at first and i was starting to think that the couch might have been a better spot for my sorry butt when a low growl came through the headphones...could it be?...yes sir! a 10k Jobie with cz's....not big, but ain't she pretty.....time to start back for the truck...dum dee dum dee dum...whats that i hear , could it be?...nope! it sure looked good in the bottom of scoop, but when i held it in my hand for a closer look , i knew she wasn't the real McCoy...drat!...that titanium sure is some light stuff , pretty but light....a two ring night and my second titanium ring/band ...all is well in la la's 2:12 am and i'm beat....good night and hh

"see ya at the beach"

LOL...You got it bad
<< <i>i do most of my detecting at night, after the kids are in bed... >>
I can relate! I got out a lot with demodigger last couple years and he knew the drill... "can't get out until after the kids are in bed!"
But, recently there have been times I could get out at night but I've just been too tired and not motivated!
<< <i>LM and and I went out one time at 10:00 PM...didn't get back until after 1:00 about"got it bad" >>
And that was in near-total darkness, out in the boonies, in the middle of nowhere... I was glad for the company. I've done a lot of night hunting, but night relic hunting on out of the way rural sites is a bit extreme- that hunt in particular. But hey, it's cooler at night during our steamy summers, and I didn't hear Steve complaining when he plucked an 1848 large cent from right next to where I'd dug a beer can the night before!
Funny how many of my large cents and early coppers were found during night hunts.
A good headlamp is all you need, but a buddy is also nice to have along, particularly if you're in a more urban setting. While Steve's company out there in spooky, rural Boonieville was welcome indeed, I probably was in less danger from the wildcats (yes, I saw panther tracks out there!) than I would have been from the two-legged boogiemen in the urban spots I night-hunt in town.
As the original post here attests, night is a great time to go beach hunting, particularly when there's a nice fat moon. The visibility is good, the diggin's easy, and you usually have the place to yourself, which isn't the case with most beaches by day.