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2007 P Madison Weak Edge Position A PCGS MS65 and FDI Jefferson Ds

Madison Weak Edges:
The total pop on these in any grade is 9. I have a 2 MS65s available at this time, in hand and ready to ship. These are so new that PCGS does not have them in the registry populations yet. Coin number 394421.

These were originally found after searching through thousands of Madisons, and then they made it into the weaker pile. after searching through hundreds of "weaker than usual" coins, these then made it into the weak"est" pile. After the submission of all the "weakest" coins--and there were at least 150 submitted--all that made the cut at PCGS were these 8 coins. The searching was not made by me, but I am reporting it as told to me.

I am glad that PCGS is being very strict on these after seeing all the weak coins being sold on Ebay. The majority of those coins probably arent weak and wont make it into weak slabs, and I feel for the folks buying them raw. There is a reason why raw coins sell for less, they are probably worth about a buck. If you can find quality error/variety coins and submit them yourself, you can save a lot of money, but for those that dont have the time to search thousands of coins, or those that dont want to spend thousands to buy the coins to search, buying graded makes a lot of sense, but those graded coins represent time and effort in themselves, and they dont sell for $1.

The Population in 65 is 5, with 3 finer.

Jefferson D mint Weak Edges FDI:
These coins have come about after much work and expense. Everyone is aware that Jefferson P mint FDI Weak Edges are available, but the Denver mint weak edges were all available in Non FDI--until now. Its one thing to send in a case for FDI and get a few special weak/partial/clipped/you name it as bonuses, or to get a case early and screen it before the FDI deadline, but to go after a case months afterwards and put your money where your mouth is on whther that case is going to be an error case--thats something entirely different. As a result,

I now have the Jefferson FDI Denver mint sets in stock,
MS65 sets are $900 to Forum members

Please PM me with requests, Thanks, Russ
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