COIN PURSE CONTENTS CONTEST (Results with pictures, HKnJ = winner!)
Here are the pictures I took in sequence the day after finding the old coin purse...
When I first discovered what it was, I thought because it was made of some sort of plastic, it must be from the 1950's or 1960's (think my sisters owned ones just like it), and I figured that most of the coins would be from those decades. So, I was surprised that the first coin I saw was a mercury dime (1942), but I figured the rest would come from the 50's and 60's. From the guesses, I think some of you thought the same thing due to the material.
As I opened the coin purse the following morning, and started to pick out the individual coins, I was hoping the next surprise would be to see a Standing Liberty quarter, but not this time. There were 2 silver quarters and both were Washington quarters.
However, I found that I had one more coin that I originally thought... another silver dime was hiding behind one of the quarters. You will notice in the one pictures below that you can see the outline of that dime on the reverse of one of the quarters.
Total coins = 6
Next surprise was that one of the nickels was a "War nickel" (another silver coin: 1942-P).
Total silver coins = 5
1943-S Washington quarter
1947-S Washington quarter
1942-S Mercury dime
1947-S Roosevelt dime
1920 buffalo nickel
1942-P nickel
Quickly going through the guesses from the Original Post, I found a few guesses had one of the first questions correct, but it was the tie-breaker that decided the winner. HKnJ nailed the types of coins, so correct me if I'm wrong, but he appears to be the winner. Congrats HKnJ
I know it was "just for fun" but thought I'd create one of the CU/MD sig-line awards for you. Looking at your guess, I was shocked to see that you nailed it in regards to the 6 types of coins that were in there!

Thanks for all the guesses and replies.
Now hopefully we'll all get some nice weather on the way soon so everyone can get out there and start digging!
When I first discovered what it was, I thought because it was made of some sort of plastic, it must be from the 1950's or 1960's (think my sisters owned ones just like it), and I figured that most of the coins would be from those decades. So, I was surprised that the first coin I saw was a mercury dime (1942), but I figured the rest would come from the 50's and 60's. From the guesses, I think some of you thought the same thing due to the material.
As I opened the coin purse the following morning, and started to pick out the individual coins, I was hoping the next surprise would be to see a Standing Liberty quarter, but not this time. There were 2 silver quarters and both were Washington quarters.
However, I found that I had one more coin that I originally thought... another silver dime was hiding behind one of the quarters. You will notice in the one pictures below that you can see the outline of that dime on the reverse of one of the quarters.
Total coins = 6
Next surprise was that one of the nickels was a "War nickel" (another silver coin: 1942-P).
Total silver coins = 5
1943-S Washington quarter
1947-S Washington quarter
1942-S Mercury dime
1947-S Roosevelt dime
1920 buffalo nickel
1942-P nickel
Quickly going through the guesses from the Original Post, I found a few guesses had one of the first questions correct, but it was the tie-breaker that decided the winner. HKnJ nailed the types of coins, so correct me if I'm wrong, but he appears to be the winner. Congrats HKnJ

Thanks for all the guesses and replies.
Now hopefully we'll all get some nice weather on the way soon so everyone can get out there and start digging!

Thanks for the fun contest! The suspense was brutal!
Glad y'all liked it and could join in the fun!
Brings up all sorts of ideas and other stories...
like the old chain-link/snap coin purses that were about 50 years older.
Can you imagine finding one of those with coins in it?!!!
Great contest! I can't seem to get enough of these types of stories either... doesn't really matter what the final haul is! lol
First thing I would do is boil those suckers in a pot of water with baking soda. That should get rid of the cruddies!
<< <i>Very nice finds Ric, will there be any way to clean up the silver? The guessing game was a great idea, thanks for creating a little off season mystique.
Thanks Mary, glad you liked the post.
It seems like the silver will clean easily... I couldn't see the date on one of the quarters, so I lightly used my fingernail to rub that area, and the rust came right off. (doesn't seem like it will take much effort... and, I may even try some toothpaste for these... a definite "no-no" but since these are "common silver" I won't mind giving these a little shine!)
<< <i>I can't seem to get enough of these types of stories either... doesn't really matter what the final haul is! lol
Thanks. I'm the same way!
<< <i>Thanks for the plaque, Riccar. You are so kind. I enjoyed the story and the post. Many times I was 'tecting in the woods hoping for something like that but it never happened. I dug a number of spills but never double silver. I'm envious! >>
Thanks HKnJ.
I've also dug a few coin spills (only two had multiple silvers) but this was the first time for digging an actual "purse." This is now my "most oldies from one hole" and "most silvers from one hole."
As for the "tecting in the woods"... the final part of this story is that I did end up with some poison oak next to my left eye. I must have adjusted my glasses while I was out there... So you could say I've been itchin' to get back out there.
<< UsuckTwister.jpg >>
but not as much as the Z-man! now that guy __ ...