My Merc Registry set FS One week left
Do to a illness I am forced to sell my set.
Many of my coins will go on consignment with Heritage and I have posted a list of
coins I will have for sale with prices.Coins will go on consugnment on 3/12/08
1934 MS67FB 645.00
1934D MS66FB 690.00
1935 MS67FB 330.00 SOLD
1936 MS67FB 805.00
1937 MS67FB 280.00
1937D MS67FB 385.00 SOLD
1937S MS66FB 335.00 Green Label
1938 MS67FB 320.00
1938D MS67FB 360.00 Green Label
1938S MS67FB 710.00
1939 MS67FB 600.00
1939D MS67FB 220.00 SOLD
1940 MS67FB 280.00
1940D MS67FB 225.00
1941 MS67FB 238.00
1941D MS67FB 170.00
1941S MS67FB 410.00
1942D MS67FB 180.00 SOLD
1942S MS67FB 870.00
1942/1 VF25 725.00
1942/1D VF35 650.00
1943 MS67FB 325.00
1943D MS67FB 180.00
1943S MS67FB 360.00
1944D MS67FB 180.00
1944S MS67FB 425.00
1945D MS67FB 350.00
1945S MS66FB 190.00
1945S MS67FB 700.00
Many of my coins will go on consignment with Heritage and I have posted a list of
coins I will have for sale with prices.Coins will go on consugnment on 3/12/08
1934 MS67FB 645.00
1934D MS66FB 690.00
1935 MS67FB 330.00 SOLD
1936 MS67FB 805.00
1937 MS67FB 280.00
1937D MS67FB 385.00 SOLD
1937S MS66FB 335.00 Green Label
1938 MS67FB 320.00
1938D MS67FB 360.00 Green Label
1938S MS67FB 710.00
1939 MS67FB 600.00
1939D MS67FB 220.00 SOLD
1940 MS67FB 280.00
1940D MS67FB 225.00
1941 MS67FB 238.00
1941D MS67FB 170.00
1941S MS67FB 410.00
1942D MS67FB 180.00 SOLD
1942S MS67FB 870.00
1942/1 VF25 725.00
1942/1D VF35 650.00
1943 MS67FB 325.00
1943D MS67FB 180.00
1943S MS67FB 360.00
1944D MS67FB 180.00
1944S MS67FB 425.00
1945D MS67FB 350.00
1945S MS66FB 190.00
1945S MS67FB 700.00
Revision added to first post
Thanks for the purchase.
Your other coins went out Friday. Yhanks again,