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FS// $30 for 4 PCGS 65 Westward Journey Nickels// 04-P Peace, 04-D Keel Boat, 05-D Bison, and 06-P M

PM me if your interested all prices include first class in a padded envelope shipping. Thanks Chad

$30 DLVD

2004-P Peace MS 65
2004-D Keel Boat MS 65
2005-D Bison MS 65
2006-P Monticello MS 65FS
EBAY ID chadfromlawson

PCGS Buy/Sell references: Oreol, bsb, datentype, rcmlgm89, ajia, bootleg3, MS67Plus, cointime, lincolnsrule, Quarter guy, hockeyfan09, ZKcoins, Grandam, FullstepsJeff, tmcsr69, nutz4coinz, harvey85422458, LindeDad, Dan50, drddm, kklambo
USAF Active Duty since 02'


  • ttt
    EBAY ID chadfromlawson

    PCGS Buy/Sell references: Oreol, bsb, datentype, rcmlgm89, ajia, bootleg3, MS67Plus, cointime, lincolnsrule, Quarter guy, hockeyfan09, ZKcoins, Grandam, FullstepsJeff, tmcsr69, nutz4coinz, harvey85422458, LindeDad, Dan50, drddm, kklambo
    USAF Active Duty since 02'
  • TTT
    EBAY ID chadfromlawson

    PCGS Buy/Sell references: Oreol, bsb, datentype, rcmlgm89, ajia, bootleg3, MS67Plus, cointime, lincolnsrule, Quarter guy, hockeyfan09, ZKcoins, Grandam, FullstepsJeff, tmcsr69, nutz4coinz, harvey85422458, LindeDad, Dan50, drddm, kklambo
    USAF Active Duty since 02'
  • TTT
    EBAY ID chadfromlawson

    PCGS Buy/Sell references: Oreol, bsb, datentype, rcmlgm89, ajia, bootleg3, MS67Plus, cointime, lincolnsrule, Quarter guy, hockeyfan09, ZKcoins, Grandam, FullstepsJeff, tmcsr69, nutz4coinz, harvey85422458, LindeDad, Dan50, drddm, kklambo
    USAF Active Duty since 02'
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