How does this board work to sell?

I am new possible future seller here, although I am a powerseller on e-Bay. How does this work, and how does the buyer and seller get in contact with each other. I do have Pay Pal and yes, I am sick of e-Bay.

Post the coins you would like to sell.
I would say coins graded by PCGS, NGC & the other accepted TPG would have an easier time of selling.
Add a good picture or 2, and a good price & you should have no troubles.
Buyers usually contact the seller via PM (Private Message), you need to turn yours on.
Since you seem to be a newbie seller here, depending on the value of the coin(s), there may be a chance of the buyer (if established here) may ask you to send the coin first, or make some other arrangement to feel safe (Paypal).
Once you've make some sales, and trust built, then I would say you could expect payment first.
It's all on a case by case basis.
Posting your eBay ID also helps to establish yourself here.
Now, to make this thread ON Topic.....whatcha got to sell???
PS-To turn on the PM function, hit the 'profile' button on the upper right of this page (under the Navigation pull-down) and toward the bottom there is the function option.
Many of the people here are dealers themselves, so are very easy to deal with and understanding folks.
Dwayne F. Sessom
Ebay ID: V-Nickel-Coins
Loe-steelielee-bought 690. sale
nate-grandrapidian-bought 70. sale
Paul-commoncents-3500+ sales
Ken-jfoot-sold-125.00 sale
Mike-mozeppa-bought 1080. sale
Dave-Badger-sale 560.00
Lochness-sale 1,000. 00
Great group of folks here but -- and trust me on this one -- if you list stuff for sale make SURE that you list everything in only one single posting per day. Early on I made the mistake of posting two different things for sale in two separate posts during a single day and, boy, was I flamed for that but good.
And, yup, most of the communication here is my PM - make sure you go into "Profile" and turns yours on.
Please visit our eBay store:
FESTIVUS MAXIMUS - (Opened in 1998, 1000+ transactions, 99.9+% positive feedback)
** Recently completed our first two successful CU transactions: thanks dragon!
FSH - For sale here
FTH - For trade here
WTB - Want to buy
EBAY - nough said
There are more but I'm drawing a blank but these sure help when we look and save's time
Welcome aboard
">Franklin Halves
">Kennedy Halves
Have fun and good luck.
Thanks everyone!
<< <i>Use these to start your Thread title:
FSH - For sale here
FTH - For trade here
WTB - Want to buy
EBAY - nough said
There are more but I'm drawing a blank but these sure help when we look and save's time
Welcome aboard
Dan >>
Don't forget to follow the rules about multiple posts and too frequent bumping or the forum cops will be on your ass like ugly on a ape.
Not say not to buy here only, but i would not give up buying on e-bay. you can get some good prices and coins there.
E-bay is only screwing the sellers. hehehhhehh so far the buyers are safe, at least for now till some grate thought comes
in there head again, heheheeh
few weeks back i pick up a awesome pcgs ms-63 1932-S Washington for little over 800.00
and made a deal with the seller for a 1932-D for 1800.00 at the graders now, heheheh
so deals are to be had there.
welcome to the board
Loe-steelielee-bought 690. sale
nate-grandrapidian-bought 70. sale
Paul-commoncents-3500+ sales
Ken-jfoot-sold-125.00 sale
Mike-mozeppa-bought 1080. sale
Dave-Badger-sale 560.00
Lochness-sale 1,000. 00
of the list under Navigation:
Good luck,
<< <i>Puritan, There is a testing forum for you to play around with and test your pic skills for posting here. It is at the bottom
of the list under Navigation:
Good luck,
There is also a preview post button that lets you see what your post will look like before you post it so if its not what you want to post then you can edit your post or cancel your post.