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ok i give up- what is this??

This is the only side with design visible-- the other side is smoothed out. I thought it wouldn't be hard to ID with a 19th or 18th century Krause, but I've struck out. French? Italy? Spanish? Netherlands? German? And what date range? thanks


  • ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
    It is French. Probably from the latter 1700's(1780-1790's). What kind of metal is it? Look at the Louis D'or. -Dan
  • ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
    That is of course a gold piece, but the monogram is the same. Maybe it is a colonial piece! -Dan
  • Hmmmm. This piece is purely copper-- i didn't even look at the gold coins in Krause. Maybe a contemp. counterfeit!
  • Tough one you got there...... I searched the 18th. Century Krause, To no avail. I even tried using photoshop to try and bring out the detail's. The legend on the right look's like it say's IBAN or IRAN I've spent the last hour and a half trying to identify it..... Best i can say is maybe one of the forum expert's will chime in, But it's a real head scratcher.......image
    " I just checked in , Just to see what condition, My condition was in." Kenny Rogers and the 1st. Edition......
  • StrikeOutXXXStrikeOutXXX Posts: 3,352 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Like ormandh said, it certainly has a strong resemblance to the French 1779-1791 Louis D'Or gold coins.

    Is it possible this is a German Jeton?

    "You Suck Award" - February, 2015

    Discoverer of 1919 Mercury Dime DDO - FS-101
  • It has a passing resemblance to the Louis d'or, but that's all. Legends are wrong, design is wrong - my guess is it's a jeton.
    knowledge ........ share it
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