Home World & Ancient Coins Forum

I am back.

I am finally returning after many months of posting. No sob story here. I did have a spell of hardship, but I really do not want to get into the details. I will say that when I left, I had just moved to New Jersey and was getting accustomed to the new locale. I had some personal issues and fianancial issues that turned for the worse. I quit collecting and focused on getting my personal issues in order. I have now become 100% focused in the field of numismatics over this time. When I quit posting here I had a giveaway going on and I had people that won, which I never sent the winnings. I am sorry for that and for that reason I hold me head low. So, I would like anyone who won my giveaway to let me know and I will send you the coin plus a little something extra for the fact that I did not carry through with my end of the bargain. I did not intentionally not send it, but at the time it was furthest from my mind. It has been in the back of my mind for the longest. Being the person that I am, it has bothered me a lot. So basically I am asking for your forgiveness.

I really do want to be a part of this forum and be a source of information. Thanks for your attention. Sincerely -Dan


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