Home Metal Detecting

ENTRY/NOMINATION THREAD: February, 2008 "QUALITY" AWARDS (Best Coin/Jewelry/Relic/Wildcard

Please enter your finds (or nominate somebody else's finds) for the five Metal Detecting Forum "Quality" awards:

The five "quality" award categories are:

Best Non-U.S. Coin/Token
Best U.S. Coin/Token
Best Jewelry Item
Best Relic/Other
Best "Wild Card" Find

There is no limit on the number of entries per forum member. If your find seems humble in comparison to some of the others, don't sweat it- we like to see what everybody's found, be it humble or fantastic. Just post your item and a brief story of how you found it, or a link to your thread about the find, if there was one. If you can, post a picture of your item (small to medium-sized pictures of single items, please, rather than large groupings, since the pictures will be used in the poll threads at the end of the month). If you make a neat find and do not post it here, we might miss it later when we put the award polls up, so be sure and post your better finds here even if you already posted your own thread about them. Also, let us know what category you're entering for.

Best Non-U.S. Coin/Token: This includes all world coinage with the exception of US minted coins obviously.

Best U.S. Coin/Token: this category is pretty self-explanatory. Note that it is for detector finds of coins minted in the U.S from 1776 to present - if a coin or token was found in circulation or by eyesight, it belongs in the "Wild Card" category. The award is for single coin finds, though if a cache is found all in the same hole and/or same container at the same time, it may be entered as a single item.

Best Jewelry Item: also pretty straightforward, but if you find coin jewelry, you can choose to put it here or in the Coin category. Also, if you find lost jewelry and return it to its proper owner, you still get to enter it in the competition, even though it wasn't "finders keepers". (See if you can get a picture of it, though).

Best Relic/Other: this category pretty much covers anything found with a detector that isn't a coin or jewelry.

Best "Wild Card" Item: this category is only for finds made without a detector. It may include coins or jewelry, but if you found those with your detector, they go in the categories above. This is for surface "eyeball" finds, circulation coin finds, and pretty much anything else, including nonmetallic finds like arrowheads, bottles, fossils, gemstones, gold nuggets, minerals, natural history specimens, pottery, prehistoric artifacts, and so on. Be sure and mention that the item you are entering is a "Wild Card" find, so we'll know which category to put it in when the polls go up at the end of the month.
Analog Rules! Knobs and Switches are cool!


  • Entries for best U.S. coin in Feb:

    1946-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar

    1907 Indian Head cent

    1906-S Barber dime

    6 coins found in coin purse (1920 nickel, 1942-P silver nickel, 1942 and 1947 dimes, and 1943 and 1947 quarters):
  • here's my entry for US coin- the 1912 dime.
  • kevinstangkevinstang Posts: 1,520 ✭✭✭
    Since I won't be doing any detecting for a while ( too much snow outside), I have been roll searching, found this one on Feb 4th for the wildcard category:


    This is at least my 5th if not 6th (can't remember) 1999 wide AM lincoln, its also the nicest I have found. Hope I am off to the same hot streak I had last spring when I found three of them in a little over a month starting in February as well. Edited to add: It sold on ebay for just over $200 !
  • best jewelry...14k white/yellow gold band

    "see ya at the beach"
  • I see the finds are few this February so far.
    I wish it was spring, so I could participate. image
    Analog Rules! Knobs and Switches are cool!
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll try to get out in the next couple days so I can claim at least one February hunt.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • savoyspecialsavoyspecial Posts: 7,296 ✭✭✭✭
    since i dont own a detector i guess this will go as 'wildcard'

    Thread posted in US Coin forum (Rob talked me into throwing my hat in the ring)



  • Entry for best Coin:

    1897 Indian Head Cent


    1907 V nickel


    1912-D V nickel


    1917-S Merc Dime


  • Best Jewelry Entry:

    14k Gold Band

  • Here is my wildcard find.....In a group of common date buffalo nickels..

    a 1936 S/S buffalo, valued at around 25-50 dollars..

  • My relic nomination:

    A civil war period percussion cap:

  • Well, I don't think I have much of a chance against either Dubba or Millennium's rings, but here is one I found.

    Silver cross ring--I think it's a cross, not really sure.


    Thanks for looking!

    Edited- to remove that crappy gold filled ring--who would vote for thatimage

  • <DIV>"Gold fill" is a method by which a thin foil of gold is bonded by heat and pressure to a core of brass.

    From: http://www.harlequinbeads.com/cgi-bin/beads/library/article.html?article=LIB00092

  • DockwalliperDockwalliper Posts: 1,169 ✭✭✭
    Wild card find.

    In the basket of a CoinStar, it wouldn't fit down the slot, a Disney pin.


    I did some research and found thet this pin is given to cast members when they complete their training. One pin collector site listed it as "rare".
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    Relic entries:

    This is an old Clorox bottle cap that I found at a 1900's homesite. The house was used up until the 1930's or 40's so I hope to be able to get a good date on the cap here soon (It's in good shape so if you know a bottle collector that needs a cap for their Clorox bottle, I have one!)

    This is a Boy Scouts neckerchief holder/clasp. I found it at the Lodge I hunt at. Doesn't appear to be real old but I know it's been a LONG time since the scouts have been down there. (This thing is in WONDERFUL shape)

    This is a sterling silver knife/fork/spoon handle I found at a house that recently burnt down. The home was rather old but it was hard to hunt because the fire had melted a lot of aluminum and it was everywhere. This was the only thing I found other than trash.

    I am not Catholic so I'm not EXACTLY sure what this is but it appears to be the Virgin Mary (if someone can id this a bit better for me I would be appreciative). Found it at the Lodge where I hunt.

    Another Civil War bullet here. After obtaining it's size and weight we were able to determine that this is one of the three rear balls on a Civil Way BucknBall shotgun round. You can tell that this has been fired and on the other side has a small flat spot where it hit it's target.

    Now this is a unique item I found. I know it is a button but what type I have no clue. The front appears to have an "I" on it but it actually appears to be a dent in the button. Under a magnifying glass you can see details that appear to "possibly" be feathers or eagles feet (could just be my imagination also). Either way it was found at the same depth and within 3 feet of the Civil War bullets I found so I'll assume it is a Civil War button (until I can be proven otherwise!)

    Here is a fragment of a Civil War bullet. Not sure what caliber it is going to be because of the deformity. I have some other smaller pieces I found around it but this was the main piece.

    Coin entry:

    And finally my second silver ever. A 1953 D Silver Washington Quarter. Found it in a spot that I had hunting many times before. I thank my new Bigfoot coil for finding this one!

  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sorry, Todd... it's Wild CARD, not WildLIFE! image

    Nice pic, though. Which gives me an idea...

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    Well since I can't put a picture of my Turkeys in as a Wildcard, how about the Turkey feathers I found today detecting. I worked my way into the edge of the woods from the Lodge to see if I could find some more bullets. All I found was a large group of Turkeys that ran from me. As I walked through the woods looking for them to get a good pic I ran across some of their feathers. Intersting to me if to no one else!
  • davbecdavbec Posts: 321 ✭✭
    Entry for relic. "1863 Civil war era button from Gen. H.H. Sibley expedition against hostile Dakota Indians"
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just so I have something for February, I'll enter my 1944 dime for the US Coin category.

    It was found 2/28/08.


    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • I'll be posting the polls Sunday!

    Analog Rules! Knobs and Switches are cool!
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,662 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I went ahead got the polls up for the regular "Quality" categories.

    I'll be posting one for the new "Best Expedition Photo" category, as well, but since I am at work where they block Photobucket, Myspace, Fotki, and others, and I mostly see just red X-es at the moment, I will wait and do that one at home.

    I will likely take the liberty of picking and choosing the photo entries, since some folks went way beyond the suggested limit of three pictures, and some beyond the suggested size limits, as well. I will also take some liberties with the photo titles, for those who didn't title their pictures.

    When I post the Entry/Nomination thread for the March Quality awards, I will add the appropriate wording for the new photo contest category, and the suggested limitations. Then you and Gary and whoever else does pollster duty in the future can copy and paste accordingly.


    If you can tally up the winners of the "Quantity" categories, and do your usual magic with the trophy plaques, that'd be grand. image

    With the new "Best Expedition Photo" category (which was voted in by a 75% majority), I think we have enough categories, now, for good! The polls are becoming rather cumbersome and unwieldy! But they're fun. The nice thing about the new category is that, like the Wild Card category, it will allow non-detectorists to participate. But I named it "Best Expedition Photo" to limit the subject matter to vaguely treasure-hunting-related topics, instead of just any old pictures.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
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