easiest way to clean copper coins

this article shows you a really easy way to clean copper coins. How To Clean Copper Coins
of course as I'm sure you already know that its not always the best thing to do to clean your finds. it might lessen the value of your coins.
of course as I'm sure you already know that its not always the best thing to do to clean your finds. it might lessen the value of your coins.
Still gonna be scarce for a few days, maybe. When I finish reading the 1,200 page book my nose has been in, I'll probably wander back in.
(No, nothing of any great research value- just Stephen King's "The Stand". I'm about 80% through it now.)
A similar thread over at CoinTalk.org led me to this site: Dirty Old Coins
The Biox compound was recommended to stop the green corrosion from eating up your coins, keeping in mind that most of the damage has already been done at this point and cleaning the coin can't damage it's value much more.
I just bought a bottle of Biox Conservation Liquid, Vulpex Liquid Soap, and Renaissance Metal De-Corroder to try them out. I'll keep you guys informed of the results if anyone is interested.
Very informative site, indeed.
<< <i>(No, nothing of any great research value- just Stephen King's "The Stand". I'm about 80% through it now.) >>
Excellent book! "The Stand" and "Red Storm Rising" are the only two works of fiction I've ever read multiple times. The Stand was the first Stephen King book I ever read and as a result I've since read every book he's published.