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Need ID help 10 cash coin

Can anyone help with more info on this coin. I think its fromHupeh Provence 1902-05.
Anyone know for sure what this is?

[IMG]http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p25/unknowncomic_photos/coins only/10casha.jpg">
Molon Labe


  • image


    Its rough getting old and losing your mind.
    Molon Labe
  • Despite the terrible pictures in Krause, I'm fairly certain you have either Y#120a, or Y#120a.1. The difference is in the size of the English letters and the width of the dragon's face, so certainty pretty much requires having one of each to compare (or a source of better photos). Both are undated coppers listed as 1902-05, shortly before the overthrow of the Empire.

    According to Krause the Wuchang Mint in Hupeh began minting milled coins in 1895.

  • any guess as to value on this thing?
    Molon Labe
  • It is a fairly common coin. Likely worth around five dollars.
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