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2007-D Lincoln - Is this Registry fever or what?

DMWJRDMWJR Posts: 6,011 ✭✭✭✭✭
I have been astonished to see prices this month on eBay for MS69 2007-d Lincolns. Is this registry driven?


Heck, an MS68 even went for $36 this week. What am I missing here?


  • ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,871 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think what youre seeing is the realization that most one cent coins today are spotted, streaked, nicked up, poorly struck etc etc.

    A really nice one, set in a pcgs holder with a good number, has a real value.
  • dbemikedbemike Posts: 1,018 ✭✭✭
    Its insane...IMO...Just read Tobys post

    Toby took a bath with memorialsimage
  • DMWJRDMWJR Posts: 6,011 ✭✭✭✭✭
    There will be plenty of bathing going on for the purchasers of those 07-d's. The depreciation curve is pretty sharp. Most of them were sold by datentype and I'm sure he's ecstatic about it too.

    Not too long ago, the 06-d's in 69 were selling for $350 or so. I saw Toby's listing and he finally sold it for $207.50. There was another 06-d in 69 on eBay this past week that was listed at $199 that had no bidders and ended without selling.

    Sometimes, I'm just left scratching my head.
  • SteveSteve Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭
    Isn't it interesting how different collectors handle their collection. I needed a 2007-D for my Intercept Shield 1909-2007 album which houses all my Lincolns NOT in PCGS slabs. I had my daughter in California send me a "nice" one which went into the album along with the 2007 I picked up awhile ago in change locally. Believe me, the coins look MS67 to me. Now my plan is to take my six 2005 thru 2007 satin finish coins from my US Mint sets and have PCGS slab them. Got to keep my Lincoln cent collection complete (under MY definition) and the albums haven't gotten around to adding the SF's yet. Steveimage
  • DatentypeDatentype Posts: 1,677 ✭✭✭
    I tell you what - that is one tough coin to make in 69. If it were not for one cherry batch out of 1,200 mint sets at the cost of nearly $30,000, not to mention significant amount of time and effort i would not have even had my current results of about 1% - it would be exactly 0% as I'm sure many of the heavy hunters have realized.

    The difference of some of the early Lincoln's vs later Lincoln's to me is about supply available for dealers. Many of those are just not searched for by dealers due to economics etc. I predict if a large search were made you would see the same drop off on the curve Doug has mentioned and probably even faster since all serious collectors need 1 69 for that date and the 66 and 67 coins for common date wheats are doable if you want to put the time and effort into it.
  • Doug,
    I, also, have been astonished to see the selling prices of the 2007 & 2007D Satin Lincolns on Ebay. I'm
    also puzzled why the same Ebayer, who now owns over 50 of these coins, is hoarding this particular coin.
    Of coarse, this is his right to bid as he wishes, however, it does get old not being able to land a coin
    because of the same bidder every time.

    RegistryNut image
  • SilverstateSilverstate Posts: 1,537 ✭✭✭

    That same thing happened to me. I have lost to the same guy several times. Somewhere along the line he will either run out of money or interest. Pretty amusing when the drop in price eventually hits and you are NOT the one holding ten of them in your hand!
  • Let me just say this: MAN AM I GLAD I HAVE GOTTEN OUT OF THE REGISTRY GAME...ESPECIALLY THAT I UNLOADED MY MEMORIALS!!!! image As I said in the post about my sale, I did take a bath on the last 15 that I sold to a board member...but I'm ok with that because I came out on top overall.

    In all seriousness, the thing that worried me most about my 03 thru 07 lincolns (either BS or SF) is that you don't know what they are going to do in the holder. I know that goes for ALL COINS OF ALL DATES...but if you are gambling by paying $300-$400 for a brand new lincoln that has not even seen it's day in court yet...in terms of aging, toning, spotting, etc. Over the 3 or 4 years that I owned lincoln memorials...I probably replaced 10 or 11 that turned in the holder. Not ONE of my wheats turned and I had 66RDs from 34' thru 58'!!!!! All of the memorials were very nice when I got them...but uh-oh...something happened while they were encapsulated! Like someone said the other day, what happens if the MS70RD 03' lincoln develops spots in the next 5 to 10 years?

    I dunno man. The world is a much better place for me with a couple of Dansco's that I am just chipping away at...FE's, IHC and lincoln cents...what a blast. Steve has the right idea...pull those newer lincolns out of change or bank rolls and throw em' in an album!!!

  • SteveSteve Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭

    << <i> Steve has the right idea...pull those newer lincolns out of change or bank rolls and throw em' in an album!!! >>

    Toby, I've always thought THAT was the idea of collecting. If you're investing in current day Lincoln cents in high grade slabs I would think you would do better at less risk by putting your money into some high grade stock. JMHO. Steveimage
  • RBinTexRBinTex Posts: 4,328
    Poll for the price of the 1st 2008/2008-D in 69???
  • DMWJRDMWJR Posts: 6,011 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Good question. You know when I first started watching the 07-d's they started out around $300-$350 and then started to climb, while I was expecting them to go down like the 07-p's did. It will be interesting to see when they come back down across the $300 line and we can see just how long the bubble is for newly released Lincolns. I'm sure datentype and some others can tell us how it has gone in years past, but this is really the only time I have really been watching since the start (I must say I have been looking for things with Lincolns to do as those pesky "s" mint wheats are just not coming around with any quality.)
  • If you're investing in current day Lincoln cents in high grade slabs I would think you would do better at less risk by putting your money into some high grade stock.


    Please give me a little more credit than that. I built my lincoln registry set because I truly love collecting and I enjoyed the hunt every step of the way. I have never once looked at coins as an investment (at least at the level that I collect). With that said, I am only going to take so much of a loss...particularly if the values of memorials are going down as the pops go up. That is not the reason I decided to sell...but it sure helps with the decision! image
  • SteveSteve Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭
    I apologize for the way I phrased that comment. I really intended it as a general statement of my opioion. I can fully understand the passion many collectors have for their coins. But I also believe there are many collectors, myself included, who just don't chase the Set Registry top tier, but still enjoy getting a complete set in nice condition whether in a slab or just raw. I think it's great we have so many different ways to collect in this hobby. You certainly can be proud of your achievements.
  • BECOKABECOKA Posts: 16,961 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Let me just say this: MAN AM I GLAD I HAVE GOTTEN OUT OF THE REGISTRY GAME...ESPECIALLY THAT I UNLOADED MY MEMORIALS!!!! image As I said in the post about my sale, I did take a bath on the last 15 that I sold to a board member...but I'm ok with that because I came out on top overall.

    In all seriousness, the thing that worried me most about my 03 thru 07 lincolns (either BS or SF) is that you don't know what they are going to do in the holder. I know that goes for ALL COINS OF ALL DATES...but if you are gambling by paying $300-$400 for a brand new lincoln that has not even seen it's day in court yet...in terms of aging, toning, spotting, etc. Over the 3 or 4 years that I owned lincoln memorials...I probably replaced 10 or 11 that turned in the holder. Not ONE of my wheats turned and I had 66RDs from 34' thru 58'!!!!! All of the memorials were very nice when I got them...but uh-oh...something happened while they were encapsulated! Like someone said the other day, what happens if the MS70RD 03' lincoln develops spots in the next 5 to 10 years?

    I dunno man. The world is a much better place for me with a couple of Dansco's that I am just chipping away at...FE's, IHC and lincoln cents...what a blast. Steve has the right idea...pull those newer lincolns out of change or bank rolls and throw em' in an album!!! >>

    This is the same reason I am getting out of the Silver Eagles. You just don't know how they will look in a couple of years. Some spot or tone and some don't.

    As far as pricing it's all a game at this point. I am happy with 67 or 68 for my Dansco Album.

    Very interesting that you say that about the SAE's. When my daughter was born in 2005, I decided that I was going to collect one PCGS MS69 and one PCGS PR69DCAM SAE for each year (all are First Strike designation). So, to date, I have acquired both coins in 05', 06' 07' & soon-to-be 08'.

    Well, just last night I took a look at these 6 coins (which are now the only 6 slabbed coins I own) and I was absolutely mortified. All three of the PR69DCAM's have at least 2 spots that developed and 1 of the 3 MS69 has milk spots as well.

    I am just very thankful that I'm not sitting here looking at PR70's or MS70's that have spotted...since I would have had to pay moon money to get them. I guess I can overlook the spots...but really...what the hell is going on with the friggin' Eagles??????????????????????????????????????????

    Such a shame because they are, IMO, one of the coolest designs in modern coinage.
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