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Another two for identification - one is medieval

Here's another two "mystery coins" of mine. Actually the first one isn't that much of a mystery: it's a conder token. I'm just asking for a catalog number and an approximate value for this one. I know that there is a catalog, but I don't have it and neither does my local library.


The second one is medieval and it's a junk box find. I have a hunch that it's French, but I'm not sure. I have made a negative image to help destinguish the details.
On the obverse it has a cross with letters in the angles. The reverse is some kind of animal, probably a bull or a cow with a crown above. I can read the word "PAX" at one o'clock.



As always your help is appreciated. image

Ebay user name: 00MadMuffin00


  • I don't do medievals, but I think it's French feudal from Bearn late 1400s to early/mid 1500s. Legend may be PAX ET HONOR FORQUIE or some variation.
  • Thanks for the tip. The legend is hard to read, but the last four letters could be FORQ. I remember seing coins from Bearn offered on Ebay frequently, so in case noone shows up with a 100% ID I might just keep an eye out for similar coins.

    Ebay user name: 00MadMuffin00
  • I'm thinking the medieval one is actually Italian-- possibly Sicily (crowned bird I believe was used on those coins). Medieval denaros were more likely to be REALLY low-grade silver, virtually copper (much more so than French deniers), and that appears to be the case with this coin. I would date it 1300's-1400'ss
  • You're right, it certainly is low grade silver.

    But I'm quite sure about the cow / bull. If you look at the negative image the horns are visible. Can't be a bird image

    Ebay user name: 00MadMuffin00
  • TwoKopeikiTwoKopeiki Posts: 9,740 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't have any Conder material, but was able to find the first piece on eBay listed as Wither's 781. It sold for under $5. Link
  • Thanks. I wasn't expecting any great value, but at least I now have a catalog number image

    Ebay user name: 00MadMuffin00
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