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My Vintage Bowman Cardinals Autograph Collection

This thread will not be as long going as my Topps thread. I had always planned on doing this, but not this soon. However, when Gerald Staley passed away a few weeks ago, I got to thinking that the longer I wait, the more of these men are going to leave us for good. So, I decided to dive right in with the Bowman cards. There will be one thing different with this project - I will not be replacing these Bowman cards for my team set collection like I did the Topps. That got pretty expensive, and I still need 3 or 4 of the Topps. I will be putting these Bowman cards right back in to my Bowman team set collection. One day, I will probably replace them and put my Bowman autos in a my auto album, but not right now. So...without further ado, I give you scans of what I have so far.









  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just got the Schoendienst cards back yesterday. I gave him a $20 cash donation and he sent them back in less than a week. I still have to send him his 48, 49, and 50 Bowman. The only thing is that with those, the cards are so small, and his name is so long. I would hope that he could fit his name on those and that it would look right. What do y'all think?


  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    look great,he rtsed me last weekimage
  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>look great,he rtsed me last weekimage >>

    Schoendienst? Did you put a notation on the envelope about a donation? I very rarely signs for free. I have never gotten him for free. If you mark "donation enclosed" he is more likely to open it and sign them. I usually give him $5 per auto. I sent $20 and got 5 autos.


  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    yeah i sent a ball in box and put dontation on it all st up where all they have to do is sign it and put back in box and tape and sticker it with stamp and got it back,so just sent it to somebody else,i got kell/preacher roe/and bill ready cash today in the mail, ive sent out 4 dozen balls nowimage even at 200$ for 2 dozen,and the 4.60 stamps at 92$ a sheet , and the dontations,they get expensive real quick im finding image

    that is the same phil castiglione card i sent to him tooimage
  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This make 23 with not many more coming. I may still do the small Bowman's with Schoendienst. I'm not sure yet. Also, I have Marty Marion still to come. I sent them to him the first day. He is a great signer, with returns usually running 10 to 15 days. It's been 19 days. We'll have to see. I did send his 1948 Bowman rookie card, so I'm getting a little bit antsy!



  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, I was getting a little bit concerned about this one, but I figured it would arrive before long. I got these Marty Marion cards back today. Marty Marion just turned 90 years old in December. He was the NL MVP in 1944 and inscribed one of the index cards to that effect.

    I also wanted to scan and count this Enos Slaughter. I purchased this one back a few years ago. It was PSA/DNA certified.

    This makes 28.




  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bump, because that may be about it for the Bowman's. Maybe one more.


  • tennesseebankertennesseebanker Posts: 5,433 ✭✭✭
    Might fine !
    I sure wish you would sell me that 51 bowman Marion.

  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Here is the last one that I have sent out. I still may send out a 48, 49, and 50 Bowman Schoendiest. Here is Larry Miggins for number 29.



  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This was a nice surprise today. Mr Schoendienst has not signed TTM in several months. He keeps writing "Return to Sender" on the envelopes. I tried a new technique that I thought of and it worked great. I got these back in 7 days. The 48 Bowman is his rookie card.

    This make 32 and this will most likely be the last ones.



  • tennesseebankertennesseebanker Posts: 5,433 ✭✭✭
    Thats what I'm talkin bout ! Super sigs Frank !

  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just like the Topps, I have started buying off of Ebay. There are not too many to be found, but I found this one at a reasonable price, so I picked it up. The signature is light, but it is authentic, in my opinion. This makes the count come to 33.



  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't focus on the Bowman autograph collection much, but every once in a while I will add one. This one hasn't been added to in nearly 2 years. Both of these guys have died.

    Harry P-Nuts Lowrey - d 1986
    Billy Johnson - d 2006

    This brings the count to 35.



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