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1999 SBA $1 At $4200 On Ebay: But, That Isn't The Strange Part.....

Ok. With 4+ hours to go, a 1999(p) SBA $1 in PCGS-MS68 is already at $4200. But, to me, that isn't the strange part. What I find quite surprising is the bidding action. I see our #1 SBA MS set holder and forum member has now been outbid by someone I do not even know at $4200 (and where is #2 Dennis in all this?). But, our #1 set holder must have bid $4100-right? It wasn't much more than 180 days ago or so when I had the #2 and #3 SBA Mint State sets for sale on ebay, #1 set holder made the point that he was not inclined to pay high price tags for these pieces, but would simply make them from mint sets, bags, etc. Indeed, #1 later announced that he successfully slabbed a 1981(p) in PCGS-MS67 as I recall avoiding the $4000-$5000 price tag on that one. Now, to my great surprise, #1 setholder has bid around $4100 to acquire not a low pop rare coin from 1981, but the first 1999(p) SBA to grade!! This speaks volumes to me-are these 1999(p) SBA coins in PCGS-MS68 near impossible to slab and/or is this a tacit recognition that these low pop SBA coins really do command the levels my consignors were seeking earlier this year when I had the sets on ebay and was under "attack" on the other board (before this board was formed), even from the #1 setholder at the time who found the pricing on these SBA's at $4-$5k or more a coin (and I am paraphrasing here) absurd? What is going here? Just more carryover from the MS state quarter high action, which many folks feel is unjustified. And, since this coin is graded MS68, it would even potentially fall under the "tulip bulb" frenzy we hear so much about. Or, is certain clad modern coinage now simply being recognized as rare by more and more collectors? Is this a $5000 coin in todays market? Should it be? image Wondercoin.
Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.


  • I'm beginning to think the highest grade clad coins, the PR70DCAM's and MS68's, are truly tulip mania. Case in point - I bought a 82-S Washington half in PCGS PR69DCAM for $19 for my modern type set. The upgrade to PR70DCAM right is on Teletrade for $2350!!!

    Now, I fully support a price premium for "best". But I know wholeheartedly that a 12,368% increase is out of line.

    I often see people finish posts like mine with, "Well, it's your money, spend it however you want." I'll finish my post differently - you're an idiot. Just don't take it personally.

  • cointimecointime Posts: 2,013 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would like to say that if one looked at the state quarters pop as an example, and have looked at any rolls of state quarters as I have, would come to a conclusion that Philly coins Ms-68 are more easyly made than the Denver counter part. As far as the 1999-P SBA, there will always be someone that wants to be the "first kid on the block" if you will, and does not mind paying a premium for it. Myself, I would opt for Brians 1999-D with the BIN of $1450.00, if I was looking for a type coin. With that said... the person buying the 1999-P will take it in the shorts later as more Philly coins are made... IMHO image

  • wondercoinwondercoin Posts: 16,953 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Scott: Other denominations of clad (especially non=-proof) do not show that 12,000% jump between grades though you point out. For example, while some MS clad quarters may very well command a couple thousand dollars+ in MS68, the undergrade can be $200 or $300 or higher. More "in line" with traditonal 8-10 fold jumps to the "wonder" grade, And, of course, the 10x jump is very common among more tradition "modern-classic" coins as well. By way of example, the jump in price for a 1926(s) Lincoln Cent in MS64RD and MS65RD can be around 10x-20x. image Wondercoin.
    Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.
  • Highest known examples do have value and should have a premium, don't get me wrong. It's just that I believe the current premiums for highest known examples are TOO HIGH. It's a bubble and it will burst. I have this eerie feeling about these outrageous prices - the same feeling when the DOW was at 12000, the Nasdaq at 5000, and the "New Economy" was the only thing holding the prices up.

    I would love to have the highest known graded coins, but not at these premiums. I'm officially on the sidelines.

    **Edited because I now have a new signature line image**
  • braddickbraddick Posts: 24,116 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mitch, you bring up an excellent Thread. I believe single pop high grade MintState Moderns (other than Commemoratives) should be pricey coins. They're tough to ever find and make and will remain so.
    Is that MS68 SBA a $5,000.00 coin? Simply, "yes".


  • wondercoinwondercoin Posts: 16,953 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pat: Well, even more interesting is how the market is expanding image

    Our new high bidder (pediatricmike) purchased one item from a seller of Joan Baez records and other fine recordings!! image The SBA market is really growing!! image Wondercoin
    Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.
  • wondercoinwondercoin Posts: 16,953 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So, the #1 set loses the coin at $5,400 (but I respect his bid, because he did it in his own name without proxies, etc.) Does anyone know our winner and runner up? The new record price for an SBA selling at public auction!! Wow!! image Wondercoin
    Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.
  • DRGDRG Posts: 817
    Wondercoin: I don't know why you would be surprised that I would be willing to pay $4K or $5K for a Pop #1 coin especially a MS68. I was willing to pay that much for the Pop #6 1981P MS67. I just wasn't willing to pay more. I knew a few more would be made, and the time and effort involved in doing so. Luckily I did find one myself.
    As for this coin I also believe a few more will be made. It will not be easy, but I think a more realistic price will be $2K-$5K depending on how many are made. I could be wrong and I may never get my hands on a 1999P MS68 coin, but this is my hobby and I find the pursiut fun. I do not feel that I "lost" anything. I simply was not willing to pay that much for this coin.
    What I really want to see is a 1981S MS67 or MS68. That coin I would envy.

    I don't know who the winner is but the runner up apears to be Braddick, the above message includes his web site which is the same handle.

    Cointime: As for the P mint coins being of high quality, that is not the case for 1999P SBA$. These coins are in general of much worse quality then their D counterparts. 1999D coins tend to be exceptionally well struck and relatively easy to find in MS67 and MS68. Infact if you find a 1999P PCGS MS67 with "Full Tallons" I am offering $150. ( about 3X the going price )

  • wondercoinwondercoin Posts: 16,953 ✭✭✭✭✭
    DRG: Glad to see you again on this board. image

    I place relative rarity numbers on coins such as this SBA based upon many factors, "pop" being just one of them. Your comment that you were comfortable paying $5400 for this 1999 SBA Dollar tonight, imho, "flys in the face" of your position earlier this year on the values you suggested and assigned for these SBA Dollars. The fact this coin is a "pop 1" means much less to me than you obvoiusly. Obviously, folks have been searching for 1981(p) SBA Dollars for 20 years already, while the search for this 1999 coin has only covered 1/10 that amount. BUT, THIS IS ALL FINE. Perhaps you reassessed values for the SBA's; after all, my position earlier this year simply resulted in me believing your set was worth a whole lot more than you might have thought (apart from your comment that your asking price would be around $1 Million) image

    In any event, the 1999(p) SBA in PCGS-MS68 was in great demand this week and the SBA series appears strong as ever. Perhaps this is a carryover of the strong Ike market we have been experiencing of late? I could only imagine how much one would have to pay for a 1981(s) SBA $1 in PCGS-MS68!!!!! image Wondercoin.
    Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.
  • DRGDRG Posts: 817
    I still don't think I have changed my mind about anything. I think I said then that I had turned down $10K for my 1979P MS68 POP#1 and that I was willing to pay up to 5K for the 1981P MS67. But I agree this is not the point.
    As for this coin, personally I believe that the 1999 SBA$ were heavily searched from day one and available in bulk (bags, rolls, atc, ). While the 1981 SBA$ were not sought after buy grade until recently and furthermore were never available in bulk, making them both about equal. In other words this 1999 coin is actually very rare. I still think more will be made and I still think more 1981 MS67's will be found.
    Anyhow, the hunt continues. Nice sparing with you again Wondercoin, it is all in good fun.
  • wondercoinwondercoin Posts: 16,953 ✭✭✭✭✭
    DRG: I'll tell you the big problem, imho, with the modern dollar coins (Ikes, SBA, Sac). Dennis, Tad, Colorman3 please chime in and let me know if you agree. Quality is often the issue. First, we all know about the "perfect" Ike proofs. PR69DCAM coins might be worth $100 or $200. A "true" perfect PR70DCAM might be worth $10,000-right? But, who has one? The PR70DCAM I have seen come between these points, which explains why they often are offered retail at no more than $2500-$3500. Right?

    Second, I personally owned (3) of the MS68 SBA coins from 1979-1980 a few years back. The quality was so disappointing to me on one of them (and I won't say which one to not offend that owner today) that, at first, I returned it instead of pay around $500 as I recall. Later, I took it, as a collector insisted he wanted it anyway. At least one other of the early MS68 coins I was also personally unimpressed with. In other words, and I believe Tad can confirm this position, several of the MS68 coins were "squeekers".

    Third, the Sacs. I have only handled -1- MS69 so far and it was nice. But, on a general note, I am personally concerned about two thing. First, the metal "turning". Do we know for sure that these coins won't spot over the next 5 years or change colors? Second (and perhaps #1 point here draws into this), the quality of the undergrade coins is amazing!! I have 2001(d) Sacs in MS66 holders that are "no brainer" MS67 or better imho!! I have many 2000(d) MS67 coins that are "no brainer" MS68 etc. I just won't pay for the upgrade fees at this point, but if these coins were to rise sharply, the coins would go right back to PCGS.

    Just my personal thoughts TODAY. Down the road, some of my concerns may change, one way or the other. But, today these are some of the reasons the dollar coins may be peaking out. And, by peaking out, this is not to say they haven't performed incredibly well! DRG turned down $10k for an MS68 I think he mentioned. My point is, imho, I don't believe $15k is around the corner image Wondercoin.
    Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.
  • DRGDRG Posts: 817
    Wondercoin; Now you seem to be the one who has changed his mind. I agree the difference between MS67 and MS68 is subtle. I have always been willing to pay some premium, but not to "shoot the moon", that has been my point all along.
  • wondercoinwondercoin Posts: 16,953 ✭✭✭✭✭
    "Now you seem to be the one who has changed his mind"

    DRG: No change here. Every coin in every series must stand on its own merits image Wondercoin.
    Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.
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