Home Buy, Sell, & Trade - U.S. Coins

WTB - Mint state toned Roosevelts for an album, also some Capitol Plastics.

I bought a bunch of 90% from a guy, and it had about 6 nice toned roosevelt dimes in it. Fool I am, I went and got an album for them.

IF you have any mint state toned Roosies that you would like to sell, (1946-1964) I am interested in getting this collection off of the ground. Raw, as they are destined to be album coins, unless the price is low and or it is stunning.

Must have nice luster underneath toning.

Please send photos and prices via PM.


I would also be interested in some Capitol plastic holders, 2 for proof sets, and a Roosevelt dime board - 1946-1964.

IF you have the dime board, then I have a Dansco album for trade.

One more thing I am looking for - I need an XF - AU - BU 3 cent nickel. Needs to be nice. Can be raw, as it is for a Dansco type set. Needs to have au-bu details, no problems (spots, etc).

PM me if you have any of these things, and photos are appreciated.


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