Home Metal Detecting

coil covers.....survey?

have you worn out your coil cover?.......i was just wondering what you think about coil height...i see people far to often out detecting with their coil 6-8 inches above the ground... and truthfully speakin, i gotta laugh!.....when i first started out detecting i read somewhere that you should "paint the ground" with your coil if you want to get the most from your machine...makes sense right?...i know that i wouldn't get much painting done if i held my roller 6 inches from the wall, and likewise i wont find many deep targets holding my coil 6 inches above the ground.... in my opinion, this is the number one reason people have a hard time finding the good stuff, and why no spot is ever hunted out....obviously, if your hunting in an area that is rocky, rooty or has other debris on top of the ground, it may be wise to "hover" the coil above the surface...but on the sand, grass etc. etc. i believe that rubbing your coil along the ground is key in making those great finds that "seem" to be out of reach of the average hunter....if nothing else, i hope this post helps someone to make a good find this coming year, perhaps a find that was out of reach last year....so let me know....have you ever worn out your coil cover?....hh
"see ya at the beach"


  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,475 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I had one on my old Garrett GTAx-550 but do not have one with my newer GTI-2500.

    My old one got a bit scuffy and grass-stained, but it didn't sustain any serious damage. Had I not used it, I probably could've scrubbed the resulting stains off with a bit of Soft Scrub or Ajax or something like that.

    With my very first "real" detector, on the other hand (a White's TR-discriminator in 1981), I could've used a coil cover. I cracked the bottom of the coil when I accidentally whacked it on an oak "knee" (protruding root). The machine continued to work just fine, but I had to be careful not to hunt in heavily-dewed grass or around puddles.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • ZotZot Posts: 825 ✭✭✭

    << <i>detecting with their coil 6-8 inches above the ground >>


    Mine is proving tough to wear out. Some signs of "ground painting" are showing..

    Minelab: GPX 5000, Excalibur II, Explorer SE. White's: MXT, PI Pro
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,475 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yep, mine looks kinda like that. Add some Georgia dirt and some grass stains, and you have the picture.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • >> you should "paint the ground" with your coil <<

    Right on! That would be the best way.

    I have not hurt my cover. I have seen covers with cracks and holes. Some with epoxy repairs.

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