Need some advice on hiring someone to manage my collection.

I really want to start selling my cards, but there is way too much to be able to handle on my own. I've been trying to get everything sorted and organized for the last 4 or 5 months, but it just isn't happening. I'm not getting anywhere and I can't even function in my house because I've got cards piled on every flat surface that I can find in every room of my house because I have been trying to go through it all and pick out stuff for grading. I know that the easiest thing to do would be to dump it all in one big lot, but I don't want to do that because I am not getting out of the hobby and I am not desperate for fast money. I would actually like to turn it into a little side gig. So basically my question is what is a good way of finding someone to hire that I can really trust, that has knowledge of the hobby, and knows how to properly handle cards. I would need them to sort, organize and inventory everything, pick out cards to get graded, send them out for grading, scan and list everything on ebay, reply to emails, package and ship the items that sell, and maybe even setup at a show every once in a while. I won't be able to pay a whole lot at first so I figure my 2 options are someone that is really young, or someone who is retired and just wants to have something to do during the day and make a couple of extra bucks.
Thanks in advance,
Thanks in advance,
or someone real young.. I say go the retired family member..
On another note I am looking for someone to cook, clean, draw my baths, grocery shop, go to the post office, answer emails, scan cards, wash my car and take care of other "things" for me. I cannot pay much so if you know someone who will do this let me know.
<< <i>On another note I am looking for someone to cook, clean, draw my baths, grocery shop, go to the post office, answer emails, scan cards, wash my car and take care of other "things" for me. I cannot pay much so if you know someone who will do this let me know. >>
What about buying into a partnership with one of the local card shops or local dealers.
I wish I could afford Oakesy, he is da' man
if we lived close.. I would be happy to pick out stuff for grading.. I enjoy that part of it all
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.
Seriously, why don't you just do a little at a time. You don't have to tackle the whole thing at once. As a "little side gig" just doing like maybe 50-100 cards at a time will spread it out and not make it seem overwhelming.
Just asking.
I agree he was silly making a bet like that but........
P.S. Pay up on your bet you chump!
Anyways I did not expect him to send me the pack, but if you are going to shoot your mouth off and say you can prove something that you have no proof of then you atleast deserve to have your nose rubbed in it a few times. In this post I actually made no mention of that and was just trying to explain to him that he was asking a great deal from someone and it was not likely to work out for him. Then he makes an ALL CAPS pointless reply. After reading this post and his follow up about buying into a card shop as a "side gig" to get all of his stuff sorted, scanned and sold..... I have to question this guys level of understanding of the hobby, buisness and reality.
<< <i>Take everything from 1986-1996 and give them away because they are worthless. There goes 95% of your problem. >>
Ripken in the Minors * Ripken in the Minors Facebook Page
<< <i>I really want to start selling my cards, but there is way too much to be able to handle on my own. I've been trying to get everything sorted and organized for the last 4 or 5 months, but it just isn't happening. I'm not getting anywhere and I can't even function in my house because I've got cards piled on every flat surface that I can find in every room of my house because I have been trying to go through it all and pick out stuff for grading. I know that the easiest thing to do would be to dump it all in one big lot, but I don't want to do that because I am not getting out of the hobby and I am not desperate for fast money. I would actually like to turn it into a little side gig. So basically my question is what is a good way of finding someone to hire that I can really trust, that has knowledge of the hobby, and knows how to properly handle cards. I would need them to sort, organize and inventory everything, pick out cards to get graded, send them out for grading, scan and list everything on ebay, reply to emails, package and ship the items that sell, and maybe even setup at a show every once in a while. I won't be able to pay a whole lot at first so I figure my 2 options are someone that is really young, or someone who is retired and just wants to have something to do during the day and make a couple of extra bucks.
Thanks in advance,
Mike >>
Do it yourself... Isn't that the fun of collecting? Don't you ever have time to kill? I love sorting my collection. I would never want another person to do it for me, but I guess that is just me. The only way you will turn it into a "side gig" is by doing it yourself and learning the ins and outs of all aspects of the business. How big is your collection?
<< <i>Is this high end inventory? I am guessing that a large amount of the stuff is mass produced junk that you could toss. That would be asking a lot for someone to do all of that for little compensation.
On another note I am looking for someone to cook, clean, draw my baths, grocery shop, go to the post office, answer emails, scan cards, wash my car and take care of other "things" for me. I cannot pay much so if you know someone who will do this let me know. >>
marry. well.
Why am I here?
I have been selling on E-bay for 5 years. 100% positive feedback. I set up at the quarterly show (150 tables or so) here in Columbus, Ohio.
I will do everything you are asking for $25% of the GROSS sales. You will cover shipping cards to me. All PSA fees (including shipping), all supplies (cardsavers), 50% of all table fees, and 2 hot dogs per show.
I'm serious. PM if interested.
BTW: Cubby=Cub Fan
Ripken in the Minors * Ripken in the Minors Facebook Page
um, so you have a lot of cards sittin on coffee tables collecting dust, unprotected?
I hope they arent any 1952 topps mantles being used as coasters
just some friendly ribbing, but we need details.
whatya got for vintage? seriously. that means pre 1975 for me.
<< <i>Is this high end inventory? I am guessing that a large amount of the stuff is mass produced junk that you could toss. That would be asking a lot for someone to do all of that for little compensation.
On another note I am looking for someone to cook, clean, draw my baths, grocery shop, go to the post office, answer emails, scan cards, wash my car and take care of other "things" for me. I cannot pay much so if you know someone who will do this let me know. >>
you mean you need to get married
<< <i>
<< <i>Is this high end inventory? I am guessing that a large amount of the stuff is mass produced junk that you could toss. That would be asking a lot for someone to do all of that for little compensation.
On another note I am looking for someone to cook, clean, draw my baths, grocery shop, go to the post office, answer emails, scan cards, wash my car and take care of other "things" for me. I cannot pay much so if you know someone who will do this let me know. >>
you mean you need to get married >>
haha! I posted that too.
I will bet you within the next 3 minutes I can PROVE you wrong for making such a statement. If I don't prove you wrong I will send you... ahhhhh... a 1982 Kmart set. The thing in unopened and in pristine condition!
<< <i>Anyone else think this idea is as about as silly as that bet he made?
Steve >>
you say silly and I say lazy.
<< <i>Win-
I will bet you within the next 3 minutes I can PROVE you wrong for making such a statement. If I don't prove you wrong I will send you... ahhhhh... a 1982 Kmart set. The thing in unopened and in pristine condition!
+1 for you
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>Wtf, how old are you guys? >>
Old enough to know a "stupid", not simple, question. Listen to the guys here. They are giving you some good advice, and some veiled in humor because they could be a LOT more rude with the question you asked.
Why not just try giving the whole crap load to an auction house and see if they think it's worthwhile...
<< <i>Wtf, how old are you guys? I asked a really simple question, if you can't help in any way, and you can't answer the question, then whats the point of even responding. I need help with my collection. Being that I don't have any brothers, cousins, uncles or any other family members to help, my only option is to find someone outside of my family to help. I am sure they are going to want to get paid, and at the same time I need to be able to trust them. Unless you want the job, it doesn't matter how many cards I have, what years they are from, or how much I am going to pay. Do you honestly think, I would be looking for help if I all that I had was 2 sets of 1991 Topp's cards and an A-rod rookie? I have a lot of stuff, and I could easily keep someone busy for 8 hours a day, every day of the week. To who ever asked, I live in S.E. Michigan. >>
When asking opinions do not expect everyone to tell you what you are wanting to hear.
Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
I still think it is silly. However, at least one poster said he would give it a shot. have you contacted him?
Mike--If you have a local cardshop, see who the owner has working for him or see if there are some skilled local college kids who have had to put their own collections on hold-- a local ad ought to do it.
Used to working on HOF SS Baseballs--Now just '67 Sox Stickers and anything Boston related.
However, if you are serious and want to pay someone to do this for you, I will do it for a 35% commission and I will take care of all PayPal and eBay fees. I have been in this hobby for 22 years and have over 5 years eBay experience with nearly 3000 feedback without ever a negative. You can ship the cards to me in groups and just continue to ship me more as I sell them.
CDsNuts, 1/9/15