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NYINC Report

I must say, one of my more interesting junkets to the NYINC, despite the soaking weather.

I met 1960NYGiants. I did not join him and some others for lunch, but did go over to the rendezvous point and had a big surprise. One of the gentlemen there was coinKat. He appeared startled to recognize me and when he pointed out why, I realized why he seemed somewhat familiar. We once worked for the same company several years ago. He moved on and I wish that I did.

Very thrilling to me was that I stayed within budget. Some really interesting pieces that I will post when I have the chance to photograph them.
I picked up a few Greek minors. Karl Stephens even had a banged up crown that normally I would not be able to justify. Since I collect types, however, I was quite pleased to obtain the 1876 5 Drachma.

Medals are my big passion, and I picked up 5: a cute little Wilhelmina coronation medal; an Austrian commemorating victories in Poland and Galicia; 2 common medals, one commemorating the Czech military with a spectacular lion and another spectacular one commemorating the French victory in WWI; and finally another medal that practically shouted out to me as I was about to leave. I turned and thought, Holy C**P! No one says no to Marechal Joffre.

I will try to post these this weekend.

Only disappointment; didn't meet Syracusian.
Honors flysis Income beezis Onches nobis Inob keesis



  • Thanks for sharing the encounter. It is a small world after all... I couldn't attend but wish I were there to put faces with the names. CoinKat for whatever reason I thought was a woman, I guess it was something I read awhile back here or something image Sorry MR. coinkat! Now I have to go through the posts and see where I messed that up!
    Maybe next year...

    Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Freedom is a well armed lamb contesting that vote. Benjamin Franklin - 1779

    1836 Capped Liberty
    dime. My oldest US
    detecting find so far.
    I dig almost every
    signal I get for the most
    part. Go figure...
  • coinkatcoinkat Posts: 23,444 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>TextCoinKat for whatever reason I thought was a woman, I guess it was something I read awhile back here or something >>



    my apologies to Sidney Portier...


    Okay, the humor mileage has run its course.

    As for the show... First, I enjoyed meeting everyone. I had a terric time at lunch and after talking about many subjects. It is amazing when one contemplates the collective knowledge of a small group when it comes to World coins. I missed Dimitri and I am truly sorry about that.

    The auctions were strong... I saw the some of the offerings in the upcoming Goldberg Milennia auction in Feb. and their are some WOW coins.

    The bourse... very tough to find what I was looking for. Gotta go... I will finish later

    Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.

  • 7Jaguars7Jaguars Posts: 7,582 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was there today at opening and thankfully at that as the crowd really started to pick up in the main bourse room. Just not enough room in the isles. Lots of gold and ancients up in the room.

    South Africa fans will like the next St. James' auction of next month, though the Brit material a little thin. Steve a very pleasant fellow.

    Irish 1938 unique penny failed to sell @ 58k USD.

    Millenia Sale had some beautiful bits, I think I liked the Pf 67 1895 New Guinea 20 Mks but am completely out of this type of coin. I think some of the Terner "retreads" in the Brit section nice, but some overrated by NGC esp. with regards to proofs and hairlines. I also think that some coins like the NGC 63 Ansell were similarly overgraded. Wonder how deep is the market with regard to Vicky proof sovs. of "off years" as these are rare but prices rather high.

    Consensus of some of the Brit dealers is that there is a diff. in home market for Brit coins and the market here for same with an example being items like 6d's and halfpennies more in demand here.

    Overall impression was of rather brisk business in buying and selling amongst clients and dealers - certainly not the nervousness seen in the housing market....

    Well, just a few impressions.
    Love that Milled British (1830-1960)
    Well, just Love coins, period.
  • 1960NYGiants1960NYGiants Posts: 3,505 ✭✭✭✭
    NYINC this year may have been the best of the 4 that I've attended! Enjoyed a great lunch with harasha, coinkat, rwyarmch and a couple others. Missed Dimitri (syracusian).

    My 1st stop was Karl Stephens table where I picked up a beautiful 1947 maple leaf silver dollar that Karl called a 62. I picked a few odds and ends as upgrade candidates. As usual Karl had an impressive selection of Goetz material.

    Next stop was Randy Weir's table. For you Conder collectors, Randy had a bunch of red-brown material that was truly drool worthy. I selected two brown au/unc Canadian tokens to add to my collection. Randy showed me a 1840 Nova Scotia 1d that he had purchased from a Brazillian collector earlier. It was a beautiful light milk chocolate brown unc with pristeen surfaces. I regret not buying it!

    Several dealers told me that on Thursday 2 Canadian dealers went thru and bought most of the Canadian material and they were paying top dollar for it.

    Donald Young had a nice selection of World medals. My buddy Rich purchased a beautiful example of K154, click here and scroll down to see Scott's example Karl Goetz site.

    Sam Sloat had a blast white 1920 25c that I couldn't resist.

    Overall I was very impressed with the show. The aisles were jammed packed and waits up to 15 minutes were common at some tables.

    Note to Roman:
    there were at least 4 dealers in attendance this year that only had Spanish American coins. Two primarily had ship wreck stuff but the most impressive was the Mexican Coin Company out of Texas. They had two display cases of all types of 8R. There was asls a dealer from Spain with a large selection of Spainish 8R.

    The ancients dealers seemed to be doing a brisk business. There were plenty of silver and gold pieces changing hands.

    And much to my surprise there was one dealer who had two cases of lite side stuff.

    Looking forward to next year.

    BTW: as soon as I get everyone's OK, I'll post the Lunch Bunch Photo.

    Life member #369 of the Royal Canadian Numismatic Association
    Member of Canadian Association of Token Collectors

    Collector of:
    Canadian coins and pre-confederation tokens
    Darkside proof/mint sets dated 1960
    My Ebay
  • coinkatcoinkat Posts: 23,444 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The story behind what I saw... Canadian was picked over.. I saw 1960NYGiants Canadian purchases and the 47 Maple leaf Dollar is very nice. I saw a 1745 LIMA Shilling at 600 and an 1895 Crown at 700... both were attractive and it seems I am just not accepting of the price increases and the weak dollar. I priced a 1907 GB 1/2 Crown at 625 in 55 graded by NGC and a 1909 Florin graded 62 at 700- passed on both. I saw a really nice 1928 Italian 20 Lira that was nice, but I did not see it as a 65 and I thought it was priced at all the money. There were decent Mexican coins... I even bought two from a junque box that screamed out "buy me, buy me". One was a 1935 5 Centavos that is an RB Unc and a 1954 20 Centavos that was solid red. I like these coins for the design.

    I saw some decent Irish (1928-64 range) and I should have bought some of them. One dealer had a 1951 and 54 1/2 Crowns graded ms65 by NGC, however, I just thought they were aggressively priced.

    My only real purchase came late in the day... it was a 1919 GB 1/2 graded 66 by NGC. I liked it and did not want to go home close to empty handed.

    The show was packed and most dealers seemed to be doing well.

    Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.

  • TwoKopeikiTwoKopeiki Posts: 9,740 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Note to Roman:
    there were at least 4 dealers in attendance this year that only had Spanish American coins. Two primarily had ship wreck stuff but the most impressive was the Mexican Coin Company out of Texas. They had two display cases of all types of 8R. There was asls a dealer from Spain with a large selection of Spainish 8R. >>

    I know, I know - I went to the wrong show image
  • MrEurekaMrEureka Posts: 24,332 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I know, I know - I went to the wrong show

    I spent ten days in Orlando and didn't buy one Darkside coin. No doubt I'll make up for it next week, though.

    Andy Lustig

    Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.

    Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
  • SYRACUSIANSYRACUSIAN Posts: 6,461 ✭✭✭✭
    Sorry to have missed you too guys. I assume that you all came on Friday, which was the day that I've partly spent with fellow Greek collectors living in the US. 3Mark knew my whereabouts at any given time, (among which my room, where we could smoke without freezing). Our base was across PCGS' table, but I've spent time at Karl Stephens , NEN ,Teller and looking at some lots from the Millenia collection, among others.

    Numismatically, the show was a disappointment for me. I somehow felt that, a few minutes after I had entered the Starlight room on early bird day, before I even started looking at boxes. A few deals the last day were not enough to compensate, but from a socializing point of view it was worth it. Another reason for that trip, was to receive in hand some coins that I had submitted three weeks ago. I only got half of them back, and for once, I wasn't impressed with their photos. Nevertheless, thanks to Ron Guth for taking care of them in person.


    I'm glad you all did so well, now get to work and show us images of what you bought. image



    DPOTD 3
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