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George IIII token information request

I picked this up with a group that I just purchased, rare no doubtimage LM is this worth $20-$30000. I want to know before I sell it, not afterimage

Appears to be for a hotel paymentimage 6.6 grams 29.5 mm copper


  • Isle of Man penny token. George III facing right, from time period of George IV.

  • theboz11theboz11 Posts: 6,576 ✭✭✭
    COOL! Never thought of Isle of Man, Thanks
  • Specifically, the halfpenny Withers 2090 (aka Davis 20).
    Considered, alas, "very common," which means there are probably 300-500
    of them kicking around out there for the 127 of us who collect them
    I never pay too much for my tokens...but every now and then I may buy them too soon.

    Proud (but humbled) "You Suck" Designee, February 2010.
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