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New world coin book -- debuting at FUN

A Catalog of Modern World Coins, 14th edition will make its public debut at the FUN show this week.


I'll be at the show Wednesday afternoon through Saturday (never far from the bourse). Browse through the book at the Whitman Publishing booth; I look forward to hearing your opinion!


  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    Making its debut for those at the show to look at or its debut for sale? If it is for sale then someone should pick up a few copies for us below cost and send them our way!!! image
  • coinpicturescoinpictures Posts: 5,345 ✭✭✭
    It will be interesting to compare and contrast with Krause...
  • DoogyDoogy Posts: 4,508
    image "modern" starts in 1850 for world coins. most US collectors would call coins minted 1850 as 'old and crusty'. just goes to show how much longer (in fact, thousands of years longer) other countries have minted coins before the US was even a country. I also get a kick out of the ribbing that some British (and other country's collectors) give their colleagues about collecting "modern crap" minted after say, 1700. image
  • DentuckDentuck Posts: 3,819 ✭✭✭
    It will be for sale at FUN ... and also at the New York International this week.

    Not sure if there will be any below-cost samples distributed!

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