sorry wrong forum
in Stamps Forum
these are both the same coin... I got so tired of not being able to contribute photos here I went out and bought a copy stand and one of those little white tenty things... after filling a 2 gig sd card this is the best photo I got.. most of them look like I shot them through red cellophane aggggg pass the pepcid ac
can anyone suggest something other than I don't take their family portraits
can anyone suggest something other than I don't take their family portraits
If you can't swim you better stay in the boat.......
picture of a coin. Then I realized something. I have never been a picture person
my whole life. Why would I expect to stick with a bunch of digital photo nonsense
when I've never been a photography bug to begin with?
I sent a few of my favorite coins to a board member to photo them for me. Also,
have you tried scanning? The main problem people have with pictures on a forum
is getting them to a host site and then recalling them. You obviously can do that.
Here's a picture of a 1958 Franklin that Bob Goodman did for me.
thanks for you help