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Junk Silver for sale!!!!!!!

Ok, I have a small pile of junk silver washington quarters(16 of them). I just got them in the mail today as payment for some coins. The guy wanted some of my coins, but was looking to trade and I told him prefferably money, but silver is as good as cash. Anyhow, he sent me these silver quarters, and Ill offer them on here before I stick em on ebay. Theres 16 Silver Washingtons, thats $4 face value. All 16 are dated in the 40s. I just want melt value, which i figure $40 shipped sounds good. Im looking for a quick paypal payment, so Im listing them on here before I list em on ebay tomorrow. So if anyones interested, send an email to DJP7x0s@cox.net. So thats 16 silver washingtons all dated in the 40s, shipped to your house for $40 even.


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