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ID help 1853 Swiss Canton Bern and hammered piece

I can't find information on these pieces so I turn to this fountain of inexhaustible knowledge for help on KM ID and relative values. 1st is an 1853 Swiss Canton Bern which I think I've seen here but need help with. The 2nd is (I assume) a hammered piece, perhaps from Germany of German States which I can't find.


One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics
is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato


  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    This is what I found on the second one:
    "Rekenpenning (Rechenpfennig) by Johann Jakob Lauer, rekenpenningmaker in Nuremberg in 1806-1852. On the front is Alexander the Great depicted as a ALLEX: MAGNUS; on the achtertzijde a lion with the text RECH: PFENN: and the abbreviated name of the maker IL The rekenpenning is depicted in Mitchiner under number 1992"

    This is where I got it from Link (You'll need to translate it from Dutch to English)

    Hope this gives you a start!
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    Here are a few auctions with this same coin also. IN this auction the head of Magnus is in the other direction... Strange.... I don't know anything more than what I have found through google on these...
    Ebay Auction
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    Here is a link for the first coin. Shows a ton of this type of coin. Not much more info there but it is a start! Yours is about half way down and described as follows:
    "Bern - 1853, Medal"

    Here is a link to the history of Swiss coins....
  • laurentyvanlaurentyvan Posts: 4,243 ✭✭✭
    Thanks for getting me off on the right foot ASUtodd.image

    Might anyone else have different historical references to these specific jetons/medals?
    One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics
    is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato
  • MacCrimmonMacCrimmon Posts: 7,058 ✭✭✭
    L, although not very elaborate, the 1853 Bern-Schweizer medal is most probably for the 500th anniversary celebration (gefeiert) of Bern's 1853 assession into the 1291 "Old Confederation".
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