Home Buy, Sell, & Trade - U.S. Coins

Something for everyone, here only, more added

time to reduce some stuff.... here is a list that I will add to during the next week... All prices include shipping

Silver Maple leaf, 1987 one troy ounce (made in usa) $18.00
1956 mint set in whitman plastic $30.00
one troy ounce indian head silver $15.00 sold
1859 indian head cent good $ 5.00
1867 3 cent nickel $10.00
1957 franklin proof $15.00
1971 canadian mint set in black leatherette case $10.00
uncirculate 1984 O Morgan with doubling reeding, Van Allen called this a vam4 with a R4
best offer
1865 2 cent piece, bought as fine $15.00 sold
1871 three cent nickel fine (nice coin) $30.00
1961 proof set with original envelope and paper insert (8 avail) $13.00
1963 proof set “”'' '' '' '' $13.00
1963 to 1967 (centenial year) 5 sets $75.00
2003 Silver american eagle $15.00 sold
1954 s NGC franklin (nice toning) ms65 $55.00 sold
1997 silver american eagle $17.00 sold
1923 Peace dollar uncirculated $18.00 on hold
1924 Peace dollar uncirculated $18.00 on hold
Roll mercury dimes, older dates include (1/3 pre 1940, mostly 20”s) $50.00 sold
2006 PCGS ms69 first strike SAE (3 avail) $28.00

Franklins uncirculated in books

18 coins in Harris book 50d, 51, 51s, 52, 52d, 52s, 54, 54d, 57, 57,
58d, 60, 61, 61d, 62, 62d, 63, 63d $125.00

13 coins in whitman classic, 48, 48d, 50, 51, 51d, 54, 56, 57, 57d,
59, 60, 63, 63d sold

4 coins in dansco, 48d, 50, 50d, 56 $30.00

Franklin commem BN2 $30.00
Franklin '' BN1 $35.00


More Frankies, (all frankies, money back no questions asked)
1958 MS64Fbl Not white, nice color NGC $115.00
1954D MS65 FBL Anacs (old) color to die for $150.00
1954S MS66 (sister to above and also great color (gold rim toning from left to right) 340.00 (these two coins are inho awesome)
1957 MS65 Anacs (old) $115.00

1893 columbian fine $17.00
1971 s ike cameo $12.00
1776-1976 s, ike,, cameo $10.00
1906 1916, 1914d, 1911 barber dimes g-fine $16.00
1893 Barber half, g, honest wear no problem coin $25.00

Thanks for looking
There is nothing more powerful than the power of goodbye


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