Home Metal Detecting

Button expert needed for ID

Happy New Year all.

The family and I are in Tucson for a Christmas vacation. Been doing a little hunting with a member I know from another detecting board.

I haven't posted any finds for a while. I do have some I'll post when I'm back at the ranch. But in the mean time, I want share a button find I've been talking with Riccar about I found here yesterday. I found it in an older park in town. I believe it is brass and was at a depth of 5-6 inches. It hit on my MXT as a 40 VDI. The back has "Jenness & Co. London" I can't find anything on the web about this company. The front has a motto of sorts. I can only make out one word and that is "Frondesci". I might even be mistaken on that as I only have a 2X magnifier with me right now.

Any info would be helpful, maybe someone will recognize it right off.

Thanks for looking and the help.





  • Jennens & Co. London. Maker of military and uniform buttons, early 1800’s to 1924.

    Charles Jennens. (1800-1832)
    Jennens & Co London. (1832-1912)
    Jennens & Co Ltd London. (1912-1924)
    Then amalgamated with J.R.Gaunt.

    "see ya at the beach"
  • Dubba, dude! Thanks. You're correct it is Jennens. I'm not a button collector - yet! It's hard to see that third "N". Looks a little like an "S". Any idea of the user?

  • i could'nt seem to find that button after scrolling through hundreds of pics...if i could post your pictures on another forum i might get some answers for ya?...let me know if it's ok?....hh....great find by the way!...cool!
    "see ya at the beach"
  • I've posted it on a couple of other metal detecting boards. I'm about to look up some button collector's boards. If you want go ahead and post them. Just copy the photobucket URLs. Thanks.
    G Man
  • I received a reply that identified my button find to the uniform and user. Dubba identified for me the correct name of the button maker backmark and the year they were in business. Jennens & Co London. (1832-1912). I appreciate it, Dubba. The button was used by the Royal East Kent Regiment (British). The unit is also known as "Buffs" because of their buff colored uniforms. "The motto I was unable to read says "Veteri Frondescit Honore" which translates to "It's Ancient Honour Flourishes". Here's the history of the Royal East Kent Regiment which dates back to 1572. I tried to track down an association with this unit and the Arizona history (pre-1912). Nada! I really didn't think I would.

    Here's a better picture of the button and the one I found.



    Thanks for looking and all the help.

    G Man
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