anyone use the whites classic 5ID?
I am using the kellyco website and i am very confused why they do
not sell the whites prizm series.
but i do notice they sell the classic 5ID!
i wanted to buy one garrett 250 and one whites model.. but the prizms
are not there for purchase. why is that?
so i thought a 250 and a classic 5ID may be a good choice for the
gf and I.
your thoughts on the classic 5ID? and why doesn't kellyco carry the
prizm line?
not sell the whites prizm series.
but i do notice they sell the classic 5ID!
i wanted to buy one garrett 250 and one whites model.. but the prizms
are not there for purchase. why is that?
so i thought a 250 and a classic 5ID may be a good choice for the
gf and I.
your thoughts on the classic 5ID? and why doesn't kellyco carry the
prizm line?
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to spend that much i may as well consider a more beach centric model? i live in NH and the coast is only a short drive away. even though
i see us at the part more often. i know salt water sometimes plays
havoc with some models.
ah choices.. been doing my research but the time to buy is in the next
month or so.
so a garrett 250 and a prizm (which model) hmmm
At the beach I dig ALL no nead to go to a high end unit for a starter detector.
if i was just buying one detector i would have seriously considered
but i do not want either i or the gf to sit around while the other detects.
sooo i am looking to buy two.
i am also concerned about interference from two detectors working
next to each other in close proximity. just a naive thought.
on the other hand, if i get two of the same models, the learning curve
for each of us may be shortened due to each of us sharing tips.
i also noticed on whites website that the 50 dollars off coupon on a
prizm is still active on their website.. even though the coupon has
expired. i may try to take advantage of that today ;0)