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Large Cents Observation

An observation about large cents based on my experience of the past couple of days -

It is incredibly difficult, even downright impossible, to attribute a Fine/XF Braided Hair Large Cent even when you can read the date and there is even wear.

It is incredibly easy to attribute a Good Draped Bust Large Cent as long as you can read the date and there is even wear.


  • RichieURichRichieURich Posts: 8,483 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree. Part of it is that the book for Early Cents has pictures and the book on Late Date Cents (U. S. Cents 1840-1857) has only drawings, most of which omit various features, often including the date and the lettering!

    An authorized PCGS dealer, and a contributor to the Red Book.

  • As I read back-issues of 2007 Penny-Wise (the EAC publication and great reading) this week to review, I discovered that the Date Reference Numbers on late dates can shift even within Newcomb numbers. No wonder I'm having trouble narrowing down possible varieties! I knew I didn't have the kind of luck that leads to discovering new varieties.

    I'm using Grellman's book for the late dates, along with a couple of auction catalogs for photo examples. Just received a used copy of the 1976 edition of Sheldon's Penny Whimsey yesterday. After some introductory reading, I spent just five to ten minutes attributing an 1805 large cent. Most of the photos in the 1976 edition are good even though they are photographs of the original book plates.

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