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Is there any market?

For all of the different varieties listed on COneca and the cherrypickers guide? Im not talking about the biggies, Im talking about the large MM varieties and the minor doubling?



  • i dont know about a market yet but i know i hunt daily for these things with my scope. will be good to hear from the experts....
  • Depends on the coin, but a 41-S large MM in BU, a Jefferson, yes there is a market and they sell well. What coin did you have in mind??
  • If it is CPG variety there is almost always a market, and some CONECA only varieties do very well also. You can always just sell them to me, I buy and collect almost every variety out thereimage
  • RichieURichRichieURich Posts: 8,485 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes, there is a market for CPG varieties. I've found that the more dramatic the variety looks in hand, the more demand there is for it. Some of the varieties are so minor in appearance that there isn't much demand for them. Also, for some varieties, there is low or no demand below a certain grade. For example, the 1873 Doubled Liberty Indian cents have low demand below the Fine grade, because LIBERTY isn't visible below Fine grade. In general, the more eye appeal and the rarer the variety is, the more it will be in demand.

    Also, some coin series have fans who avidly collect varieties, such as half cents, large cents, Shield nickels, Buffalo nickels, Jefferson nickels, all of the Bust and Seated silver series, Morgan dollars, and Peace dollars. Varieties in these series, even if they don't look like much, can go for major money, for example the 1808 C-1 half cent.

    An authorized PCGS dealer, and a contributor to the Red Book.

  • I was thinking about the 1941S Wasington quarter.(FS-25-1941S-501) (Coneca MMS-002)
    The prices listed are considerably higher for the variety. With the sale of a coin like this wouuld you expect the listed price?

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