So what does your ebay look like?
Posts: 998 ✭
Just noticed I was only watching one item. Christmas and New Years have everything to do with it, but I've never had just one item on my Watch List. Is your list a little thin, too?
Too many overpriced items due to the 10c listing day special or whatever it was.
If it wasn't for the '88 $5 AGE's I'm tracking out of curiosity I'd have nothing on the radar.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
I am restarting my store up Jan 1, we'll see how it goes just running a token auction or 2 to keep traffic coming, but I'll be doing 98% BIN store inventory from now on, the photoshoppers/doctors/detail shop sellers have brought prices down on the genuine original better material, IMO
Being just a circ Lincoln guy, I have a steady supply of buy opportunitys and try my best to nab the goodies and let the garbage float to the top