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Please Grade This 1954 Franklin...If You Dare...Updated With TPG & Their Grade...

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I was kind of stumped on this one. Perhaps, my judgement was being clouded by the fact that it's in an ACG slab. When I bought it, pretty much sight unseen for next to nothing, I was expecting maybe a 62 with no FBL or near FBL ("NFBL") at best. I just wanted an example of an ACG slab. Had a few in years past, but sold them. Anyway, most importantly, the slab has no marks or scratches to speak of (half joking). There was never any question about FBL, there are three complete and uninterrupted upper & lower lines. Question was whether to go 63 or 64 (sort of like a $5.00 question). I've decided to record this one as MS63FBL. I grade the obverse on the high end of 62 to low end of 63, depending on what minute it is. Biggest issue, for me, there's a very shallow (but distracting) mark on the jawline. The reverse is 65. There is a good amount of frost on the coin, most evident in this obverse pic of slab with blue background (where it comes off looking more like haze). One of my lower grading Franklins, but not one I would pass on (raw) at a B&M for similar money. Thanks to everyone for participating!!!

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For your grading enjoyment, I present this '54 Franklin. The first set of pics was taken without flash, the second set, with flash. Thanks in advance for your opinions. Later, I will post the grade assigned by the TPG.

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