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Error, or post-Mint damage?

Hi all, I was just taking a look at some pocket change and I came across this Connecticut quarter (P mint). It doesn't appear to be post mint damage to me, but what do I know? At first, I thought the die was "crumbling" around the perimeter, but wouldn't that be raised on the coin instead of incuse? Any insight is greatly appreciated.






  • cmerlo1cmerlo1 Posts: 7,919 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Looks like it lines up with the reeding...might be a collar clash.
    You Suck! Awarded 6/2008- 1901-O Micro O Morgan, 8/2008- 1878 VAM-123 Morgan, 9/2022 1888-O VAM-1B3 H8 Morgan | Senior Regional Representative- ANACS Coin Grading. Posted opinions on coins are my own, and are not an official ANACS opinion.
  • Collar clash, IMO
  • gonzergonzer Posts: 3,030 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I concur.
  • Thanks for the quick replies. I haven't heard of a collar clash before, could someone please explain how that occurs and what if any value is attached. Thanks again.
  • tahoe98tahoe98 Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭

    fred weinberg might be looking..........he certainly can tell ya!
    "government is not reason, it is not eloquence-it is a force! like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." George Washington
  • cmerlo1cmerlo1 Posts: 7,919 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not sure about value, but a collar clash occurs when the very outside rim of a die comes in contact with the edge of the collar, causing an imprint of the reeding from the collar to be transferred to the die...
    You Suck! Awarded 6/2008- 1901-O Micro O Morgan, 8/2008- 1878 VAM-123 Morgan, 9/2022 1888-O VAM-1B3 H8 Morgan | Senior Regional Representative- ANACS Coin Grading. Posted opinions on coins are my own, and are not an official ANACS opinion.

  • << <i>Not sure about value, but a collar clash occurs when the very outside rim of a die comes in contact with the edge of the collar, causing an imprint of the reeding from the collar to be transferred to the die... >>

    Well, I guess the old saying "You learn something new everyday" holds water. This is the first coin I've seen like this, and I have never heard of a collar clash in my ten years of collecting. Many thanks.

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